She-Ra Princess of Power: Season Two:
Episode 92
Bibbet Story
Written by
Heckman -
Directed by Marsh Lamore
Plot Outline
to recent defeats at the hands of She-Ra, Hordak decides that he
needs more robots,
so begins to construct a factory in Bibbet Land in order to do so.
Bibbet Land is the home of
the mythical Bibbets, only ever head of but never seen - however,
Adora and Bow come into
direct confrontation when the Bibbets believe they are
responsible for the construction of the
factory - so they have to convince them otherwise and stop the
Horde ruining the wildlife...
animation in She-Ra's Season Two could not have been more varied
- some episodes showcasing
beautiful new animation, whilst others relying on stock material
in the creation of a new story. In the case
of The
Bibbet Story, the first few minutes suggest that this will
be an episode full of stock footage - yet
it fools us by following a different direction later on. The
heavily relied-upon stock material in the opening
sequence are noted below, with stills from this episode on the
right and those from which each was originally
taken on the left.
Episode 11: The Peril of Whispering Woods
lot of episodes use the stock footage employed here - in the
original episode, Destructo Tanks and
Ground Busters are escorting food supplies past the Whispering
Woods so they do not get attacked by
the Rebels. In The Bibbet Story, Mantenna accompanies
the tanks to Devlan to attack the Rebellion.
Episode 06: Duel at Devlan
both of these battles take place in the village of Devlan, whole
cels could be re-used. And were. A
Glonder is sliced, sending the Trooper flying through a door and
She-Ra leaps out of the way of two
of the vehicles later on when she is attacked by two Glonders.
Episode 13: Friendship
fan away a spell cast by Shadow Weaver, She-Ra winds the Horde
witch's mist around her sword
in the earlier episode - the cel is re-used (but placed over a
different background) to show She-Ra gearing
up for a fight with the Horde Troopers in the later one.
Episode 30: Play It Again, Bow
fight scene between She-Ra and the Troopers in this episode is
set in a similar location and, as she
picks them up in both episodes, the outcome is the same - simply
throwing them down to destroy them.
Episode 11: The Laughing Dragon
when you thought it was all over, along come a horde of Tree-Cutting
machines, that look dangerously
as though they're heading for our heroine. This is the only cel
that is taken from The Laughing Dragon, but
it's so blatantly obvious, you can hardly miss it.
Episode 17: A Loss for Words
episodes, as in Just Like Me, re-used the footage used here as
She-Ra creates a chasm for the
Horde machines to fall into.
Episode 42: Enemy With My Face
conclude, She-Ra picks up a random piece of rope that's all-too-coincidentally
hanging around, lassoos
it round a tree stump and pulls so hard that the Horde tanks
disappear under the ground. In the earlier
episode, the animation was used to show a tug-of-war between She-Ra
and the Melog.
The images on this site
were all, unless stated, taken from my episodes. If you wish to
them for a different site, please contact me in advance and place
a link on your website to this one.
This site is in
no way connected with Filmation, Hallmark or any of their
It is merely a fan-site, showing the appreciation of a beautiful,
inspiring cartoon.
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