News Updates
Head Quarters

La la la, oh welcome to the HQ. Here you will find news about the site, eventual changes, updates and cast news ( Ay Amor! ). Well, until then... byyyeeeee...

News concerning the site

Ay Amor!'s 5th episode posted.

News concerning the webmaster

I think i will never get my "key". :(

News concerning the soap opera

Who's that mysterious Adriana? What's the plan of Kim and her friends? U got only 1 way to find out! :) *New design of the soap page!* :)))

Other news

I received my Billie Piper cd, it's awesome!!!! The 3 tracks are cool, the video is great and the pics are really nice!! It's a very nice single! hehehe. Thalia's Amor a la Mexicana (English Version) will be used for the new movie of Julia Roberts & Brad Pitt : The Mexican. Her new album "Arrasando", will be soon released in Europe. The 1st single which is previewed for release is "Regresa A Mi". "Entre El Mar Y Una Estrella" has met success in the latino countries and now, Arrasando is assured for success worlwide. The date previewed for the european release is August 1st.

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