Front of my shop. It is 15 by 20 feet. The French doors line up with a window on the other side and I can pass long boards through the planer and table saw by opening the window and doors.
Hi, I'm Earl and this is my remodelled shop. The old shop is in the picture of the decked canoe under construction. quite a difference.
This decked canoe was built in the old shop. It had a shed roof of corrugated plastic, acrylic windows, poor lighting and was always full of dust.
This is my shop showing back and side. My dust collector is outside. Notice the large windows and access door to my storage area above. I can also access the storage through the shop ceiling.
This is the inside looking to the front. My 220v heater can be seen near the doors.
Some of my tools. The tablesaw, jointer and planer are kept in the center. All of my tools are on casters, so they can be moved around.
Two Myrtlewood tables are under construction.
This is my new lathe. It's more stable and a lot less noisy that the AMT lathe in the picture above.
My air filter is mounted on the wall.
Lathe, drillpress and grinders are against the back wall.
Here is the shop with my new clamping bench taking up some of the precious little room.
My cupboards and counter. All Maple and 10 feet long.
Cupboards again
Some of my tools
My father was a machinist. His Micrometers are on the top shelf.
My jointer, planer with the old AMT lathe in background.
My cabinet saw and separator. My dust collector hose runs on the floor against the wall. I connect tools as needed. A 10 foot by 5 inch hose leads in from the DC then there is a Y and a 4 inch hose can connect to saw, jointer, planer or shaper. A two inch hose go to sander and floor sweeper. Air filter mounted on wall.
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Links to other sites on the Web
My home made tools for boatbuilding, etc
Canoe Sailing and Sea Canoeing Pictures
NW chapter Wooden Canoe Heritage Association
Bainbrige Island Paddling Society (BIPS) home page
Recumbent Bike Rides, Hiking, Skiing, Telemarking, Snorkeling
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