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I know that tapeworms actually live in the small intestines... but since aquiring a picture of the small intestines is a little difficult to do, I just decided to use the stomach... it's close enough.
    I have decided that I have a tapeworm inside me. After a lot of thinking... I came up with the name Herbert for him (Herby for short). Herby and I spend a lot of time together... in fact, we are always around each other. Herby is so much fun... but he doesn't know many tricks yet. So far, he likes to steal nutrients from me. That's so cute! Our favorite thing to do together is to eat. I eat the food & he uses the nutrients to survive... what do I need them for?

     By now you are probably thinking, "Ewwwwwwwwww! Tapeworms are just so gross!" Actually no they are not. They are really cool. Sure... parasitic animals such as tapeworms are slowing killing you, but just think... you are sharing a symbiotic relationship with a tapeworm!  Doesn't that sound exciting?! You are helping another specie to survive. What would happen to your parasitic friend if you weren't it's host. It might have ended up in some other animal... like a dog. And if you have ever eaten dog food... you should know that it tastes really bad.  Everytime I think of the poor tapeworms trapped in dogs... I just feel so sorry for them.  Humans are a much better host. We have so much better food.... well... most people eat much better food. There are some people (like me) that can't cook that great. Luckily I dont' rely on my culinary abilities. Anyway... if you too realize that you have a tapeworm inside you... don't get distressed... CELEBRATE!!! Tapeworms make such great pets. Who knows... maybe one day they will replace our beloved dogs.
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