If I Were a Voice
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Hutchinson Family Singers Web Site

If I were a voice, a persuasive voice,

That could travel the wide world through,

I would fly on the beams of the morning light

And speak to men with a gentle might,

And tell them to be true.

I would fly I would fly o'er land and sea,

Wherever a human heart might be,

Telling a tale, or singing a song,

In praise of the right, in blame of the wrong.

If I were a voice, if I were a voice.

If I were a voice, a convincing voice,

I'd fly on the wings of air;

The homes of sorrow and guilt I'd seek,

And calm and truthful words I'd speak,

To save them from despair.

I would fly, I would fly o'er the crowded town,

And drop, like the beautiful sunlight, down

Into the hearts of suffering men,

And teach them to look up again.

If I were a voice, if I were a voice.

If I were a voice, a consoling voice,

I'd travel with the wind,

And whenever I saw the nations torn

By warfare, jealousy, spite, or scorn,

Or hatred of their kind,

I would fly, I would fly on the thunder crash,

And into their blinded bosoms flash

That ray of hope that cheers the mind,

And leaves all trace of grief behind.

If I were a voice, if I were a voice.

Hutchinson Family

Judson Joseph Hutchinson.  "If I Were a Voice."  Music: Judson [J. Hutchinson].  [Lyrics: Charles Mackay.]  First line of text: "If I were a voice, a persuasive voice, That could travel the wide world through."  Boston: G. P. Reed.  1850.

Alan Lewis

[earliest Hutchinson Family publicity likeness]
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