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King Alcohol has many forms
By which he catches men He is a beast of many horns And ever thus has been.
For there's rum, and gin, and beer, and wine And brandy of logwood hue And hock, and port, and flip combine To make a man look blue.
He says be merry, for here's good sherry And Tom and Jerry, champagne and perry, And spirits of every hue,
O are not these a fiendish crew As ever a mortal knew O are not these a fiendish crew As ever a mortal knew.
King Alcohol is very sly A liar from the first He'll make you drink until you're dry Then drink because you thirst.
For there's rum, and gin, and beer, and wine And brandy of logwood hue And hock, and port, and flip combine To make a man look blue.
He says be merry, for here's good sherry And Tom and Jerry, champagne and perry, And spirits of every hue,
O are not these a fiendish crew As ever a mortal knew O are not these a fiendish crew As ever a mortal knew.
King Alcohol has had his day His kingdom's crumbling fast His votaries are heard to say Our tumbling days are past.
For there's no rum, nor gin, nor beer, nor wine Nor brandy of any hue Nor hock, nor port, nor flip combined To make a man get blue
And now they're merry, without their sherry Or Tom and Jerry, champagne and perry Or spirits of every hue
And now they are a temperate crew As ever a mortal knew And now they are a temperate crew And have given the devil his due.
The shout of Washingtonians Is heard on every gale They're chanting now the victory O'er cider, beer, and ale.
For there's no rum, nor gin, nor beer, nor wine Nor brandy of any hue Nor hock, nor port, nor flip combined To make a man get blue
And now they're merry, without their sherry Or Tom and Jerry, champagne and perry Or spirits of every hue
And now they are a temperate crew As ever a mortal knew And now they are a temperate crew And have given the devil his due. |
"King Alcohol: A Comic Temperance Glee." Tune: "King Andrew." [New lyrics: Jesse Hutchinson, Jr.] First line of text: "King Alcohol has many forms, by which he catches men." Boston: Oliver Ditson. 1843.
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