Frightening Movies of the Past and Present

Movies are the most common way to get a horrorific image to the public. They also gross the most money for everyone needs a good scare. Good horror films seem to be hard to find today, but there are those few that captivate and scare. However, there are many older films that can keep you at the edge of your seat.

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Nosferatu DVD Box-art

Basically, Nosferatu is one of the scariest movies, because it was one of the first filmed versions of the story of Dracula and is still quite frightening, even under today's high-tech standards, because of the awesome fright vibe the character(s) and visuals give. This movie is considered a basic when it comes to viewing classic-horror films and for the fans that devote themselves to horror flicks.

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Psycho DVD Box-art

Psycho basically is about a woman going out on the lam after stealing a lot of money from her boss to be with her on-screen love, Sam Loomis. While on her run-away journey, she stops at the Bates Motel. This is where the infamous "shower scene" occurs. If you don't know what the "shower scene" is; Marion Crane is "hacked to death" as she screams.

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The Exorcist DVD Box-art

Regan, a young female, starts to have very odd signs of regression, and soon enuogh it is clear that she is pocessed by the "devil". The local church begins to "help" her, dispatching father Damien Karras to the young girl's home to try and rid "Satan" of her young body.

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The Shining DVD Box-art

From horror novel author Steven King: The Shining is a bone chilling drama pertaining to one writer's blocked writer's idea and conclusion to take his family far away to the (remote) and haunted hotel. Since it was winter, he said he would be the caretaker while the owner got a break. Soon enough, however, his son begins seeing horrorific images, while his writer-dad becomes completely mad and attempts to "chop his family into kindling".

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A Nightmare on Elm Street DVD Box-art

Mainly about a "demonic child-murderer" whom kills its victims, teens, in their dreams. This plot makes it a terrifying, horrorific thriller that keeps you up at night. Today the movie is still the first choice at slumber-parties when everyone is capable of staying up all night! One of the most unique slasher flicks ever made.

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The Sixth Sense DVD Box-art

Throughout this movie, I found myself at awe and disbelief of how astoundingly original and, well, good this movie is/was. A young boy, Haley Joel Osmemt, learns through expereince that he can "see dead people" and has many encounters with the unliving. The man that helps him with this, Bruce Willis (in real life), finds that (in most cases) this gift is not a curse and should be used to help the dead find their peace, because most do not realize that they are dead or why they are dead. This fact actually leads to a very surprising ending that you have to see, if you haven't, to understand it.

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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre DVD Box-art

I've heard that the original was possibly better, but I'm not absolutely sure since I haven't seen it, but after seeing the remake, it would have to be pretty good. The 2003 remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (directed by Marcus Nispel) has to be, in my opinion, the best on-the-edge-of-your-seat-movies ever made. Throughout the entire movie, I couldn't help but think that there is no way this ever actually occurred. I've heard that it had, but I would need solid proof! The movie is about a group of teenagers who are on a trip and find themselves on a "farm" in Texas, (in a remote area, of course). They stopped by because a hitchhiker they had picked up, whom was very disturbed (for reasons you find out later), got a gun out and shot herself in the head. They go to the farm and ask for a cop or sherrif. This is when the story begins to unfold about the cannibalistic family living on the land. The teens now know they are going to be there for a while. If you love gore, horrorific images, and many frightening situations; this movie is a must.

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