episode 7, The Waterflowers of Cerulean City

(first the opeaning song starts)

Ash: so Brock: were would the next gym be?
Brock: well Ash the next gym is located in Cerulean City
Misty: no wait you don't want to go there
Ash: why not?
Misty: because Cerulean City is not a very good place it has lots of bums and street whores
Ash: in that case were off
Misty: realy?
Ash: yep, to Cerulean City
Misty: gurrr damn you well i'm not comming with you
Ash: fine by me common Brock (Misty walks away from them and Ash and Brock head over the gym when they see a croud up ahead)
Ash: whats going on?
Man: some people robbed the store last night
Brock: realy what got stolen?
Man: a massive vacuum and a giant hose (they leave the crime area and head for the gym)
Ash: say Brock what does that sign over there say
Brock: you mean the one on the gym?
Ash: ya that one
Brock: it says that theres a show inside right now
Ash: then what are you waiting for lets go in and watch (they go in to watch the show and find it to be 3 pretty ladies swiming so the sit down)
Ash & Brock: ya take it off whoooo take it off (the rest of the croud hears ads yells with them)
first girl: well ok if you want to see our boobies then ok (the three performers strip naked)
Ash: i hope i get a chance to sleep with them
Brock: no way i want my hands on them first (they contunue to argue over who gets to have sex with them first until there performence is over and they head over to back stage to request a gym battle)
Ash: you girls were hot out there
all three: thanks cutie would you like to feel our boobs (there still naked form the performence
Ash: for real?
second girl: sure touch us where ever you want, and with what ever you want
third girl: uh boy you know your pants are starting to stick out would you like me to try to make it stop with my mouth?
Ash: well what are you waiting for start at it (Ash pulls his pants down and girl two puts what she thinks is a big gumie worm in her mouth) oh ya that hits the spot oh by the way where can i find the gym leader at this place?
first girl: you're looking at us right now
Ash: so the three of you are the gym leaders here?
first girl: yep i'm Daisy
second girl(after taking Ash's balls out of her mouth): i'm Lily
third girl: and i'm Voilet
all three: and were the Cerulean City virgens
Lily: well i was a few minutes ago (Lily then puts Ash's balls back in her mouth)
Ash: great so then when can we battle?
Daisy: oh we don't do battles any more three other trainers from Pallet Town challenged us and beat out pokemon to a blood filled mess
Voilet: the only pokemon we have that can battle is this (Voilet throws out a pokeball and a Goldeen comes out)
Goldeen: goldeen goldeen
Daisy: so if you want the Cascade badge you can just have it common out Seal (Daisy claps her hand twice an a Seal comes out of the pool)
Seal: seal seal (sticks his toung out and theres a Cascade badge on his toung and Daisy puts the badge in her hand)
Ash: great (Ash gets redy to grab the Cascade badge when Misty slams the door open and jumps inside)
Misty: stop right ther Daisy and Lily get Ash's dick out of your mouth right now
Voilet: like chill out little sis you sure chose an idiot for a boyfriend
Ash: hey shes not my girlfriend she's just my sex slave
Misty: thats besides the point, if you want that Cascade badge you'll have to beat me in a battle
Ash: fine by me lets go to the arena and fight (they head over to the arena) Brock you be the judge
Brock: i'll do it on one condition
Ash: whats that?
Brock: i'll judge if the three of you (pointing at Daisy, Lilly, and Violet) take you tops off
all three: ok
Brock: now this battle will be 2 on 2 elimination
Ash: in that case i choose Pikachu (picks up Pikachu and gets redy to throw him to the center stage)
Pikachu: pika (no)
Ash: why not?
Pikachu: pika pikachu (i wanna look at the girls boobs)
Ash: oh well i guess i can't blame you (Pikachu runs off and starts to play with the girls boobs
Lily: ooh that tickles
Violet: oh looks like Pikachu's having a bonner (the three sisters laugh)
Ash: since Pikachu won't then i chose you Butterfree (lets out Butterfree)
Butterfree: rrrreeeeee
Misty: ok then Staryu go (Misty lets out Staryu)
Staryu: heya
Ash: Butterfree use tackle now
Misty: Staryu use water gun (Butterfree tackles Staryu and Staryutries to slow Butterfree down by spraying water but Butterfree hits Staryu and Staryu starts to bleed a little)
Ash: alright Butterfree now use stun spore (Butterfree starts to stun Staryu)
Misty: Staryu dive under water (Staryu manages to jump into the water and avoid from harm and jumps out after the spores are gone)
Ash: Butterfree use sleep powder
Misty: Staryu get in the pool again (Staryu jumps in to avoid falling asleep)
Misty: now Staryu use spin tackle (Staryu comes out from the water spining and tackles Butterfree who loses a lot of blood)
Ash: crap Butterfree return (Ash returns Butterfree to the pokeball) Pidgeotto go (throws pokeball and Pidgeotto comes out)
Pidgeotto: pidgot pidgot
Misty: ok then Staryu return (returns Staryu) Starme common out (Misty lets out her Starme)
Starme: reeeeeee
Ash: Pidgeotto use wing attack
Misty: Starme use spin tackle (they both attack head on and both get covered in blood)
Ash: damnet a draw
Misty: Starme use water gun
Ash: Pidgeotto dodge it (Starme tries to spray Pidgeotto with water but misses)
Misty: Starme use a full powered tackle on Pidgeotto
Ash: Pidgeotto use gust attack (Starme tries to get to Pidgeotto but gets knock hard onto one of the walls and comes down leaving blood all over the wall)
Misty: oh no Starme (the diamond on Starme's chest starts to flash a redish light until it stops and Starme faints) Starme retu... (the walls break and Team Rocket breaks in)
Jessie and James: ha ha ha (they turn a hose on and water sprays everywere and floods the gym and gathers everyone in the water then turn on a vacuum and the water pokemon are forced inside
Ash: hmmm a massive vacuum and a giant hose you guys are the thievs who robbed that store
Meouth: you got that one right
Ash: Pikachu use thundershock
Pikachu: pika chuuuu (shocks the vacuum and Team rocket and the vacuum explodes)
Team Rocket: Yana Kanji
three sisters: wow Ash thanks for saving our gym
Lily: and as thanks for saving the gym i think you deserve this (takes the Cascade badge out)
Misty: but he didn't beat me
Daisy: sure he did the second round was the one that realy counted
Misty: good point, ok Ash when do you want me to do you?
Ash: how about after i'm done with your sisters!?! they're still naked you know (Ash walks over to the three naked girls who are still having fun with Pikachu)
Ash: Pikachu your turns over
Pikachu: pika pika (fair enough)
Ash: good now it's my turn...
please stand by...
Daisy: see you soon guys, and Ash feel free to come back any time you want so you can feel us some more
Ash: you know i will
Misty: i can't believe you had sex with my sisters if i knew Lorena Bobbit's phone number i swear i would have her come over here right now
Brock: now now settle down no need to get Bobbit here (they head out)
to be continued

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