“Sam??” Jane yelled up the stairs.

Sam ripped her lips away from Brooke’s in order to answer her mother.  “Yeah?!”

“Time for dinnerrr!  Would you knock on Brooke’s door and tell her to come down too please?!”

“It’s six o’clock already?” Sam asked, checking her watch.  “Okay, I’ll be down in a minute!” she called out the door, and then turned her eyes towards the blonde, who was honestly looking quite delectable with her hair everywhere and only traces of her lipstick left.  Sam smiled slightly to herself, knowing that she was responsible for the lovely mess now donning Brooke’s features.  “We’d better go.”

Brooke begrudgingly climbed off of Sam and walked over to her vanity, taking a look at herself before they went downstairs.

“Ms. McPherson,” she started with a sigh.  ”What did you do to me?”  Sam merely grinned and shook her head, checking her own apprearance before making an entrance downstairs.

“Well, this’ll be.. different,” Brooke commented.

“Yes.  Yes it will.”  Sam smiled.

“After you,” Brooke said, opening the door.

“Hey daddy,” Brooke said as she entered the room.  Mike had just gotten home from work – and being that Brooke had been otherwise engaged for the better part of the afternoon, she hadn’t had the chance to say hello yet.  He gave Brooke a kiss on the forehead while Sam walked over to give her mother a hug.

“How was your day girls?” Jane asked.

It was a struggle for both girls not to flat-out beam. 

“Bio Glass gave us a heinous project that we have to have finished by next week.”  Sam stated like, well… Sam.

“Wonderful,” Mike said, rolling his eyes.  He couldn’t understand why that woman hadn’t been fired months ago.  What with hostage situations, frog purses, tear-gas, blantant insults to students during class – not to mention the fact that she was a key witness in last year’s trial that featured Emory Dick as her annual flunk victim.

“What’s the project about?” Jane asked.

“You know what?  Could we, not talk about school, right now?” Brooke interrupted suddenly, before Sam had a chance to answer.  “Today was kind of a long day… I was kinda hoping we could just forget that school exists, for tonight.  You know, like completely ignore that it’s even there?”

Mike, Jane and Sam all stare at her bewilderingly.  Then suddenly Mike blurts, “okay, let’s eat!”

The four of them sit down to dinner in the kitchen, and Sam sends a knowing smirk across the table to Brooke, a face which the blonde completely ignores.  Should she catch even a glimpse of Sam for a split second she’d have to break out into an under-the-breath laughter that she would have a lot to answer for.

“So mom,” Sam began, trying to get her and Brooke off of their own little subconversation.  “How's life treatin' ya?”

“Pretty good," Jane laughed a little curiously.  "It's been pretty crazy these days, especially with the baby on the way.”  Mike smiled at Jane from the other end of the table and then turned to face Brooke and Sam.

“So girls, we have some news that will most certainly cheer you up, as it would every other normal teenager your age,” Mike said with a smile.  “We’re leaving.  Tonight.”

“What?!”  Brooke and Sam blurt simultaneously, and then glance right at each other before turning their attention to their respective parents.

“Mike has to go to Las Vegas and he asked me to go with him.” Jane replied simply but happily.

“Why didn’t you tell us earlier so we could plan a huge party?” Brooke joked.

“I think we all know how that turned out last time, huh Brooke?” Sam joked back.

“Actually your father asked me at the last minute,” Jane replied.

“It didn’t even occur to me until today ‘cause I was only gonna be gone for a night.  But I asked your mother what she thought and... now I get to have the most beautiful woman in L.A. accompany me to Las Vegas.” 

Jane blushed, and the girls both smiled.  They really did love each other didn’t they?

“So anyway, we’re leaving right after dinner.  There’s.. plenty of food in the fridge, and you can always call our cell-phones if you need us.”

“We’re going out on a limb trusting you here girls,” Mike said.  “Please don’t make us wish we hadn’t sent you to a friend’s house overnight.”

Brooke and Sam both give a look like, “please.”

“Okay..” Jane chuckled.  “Just don’t forget to lock up tonight and close the big garage doors.”

“Got it,” Sam replied.

The rest of dinner proceeded with a certain amount of excitement in the air – and before they knew it, they were clearing off the table and placing the dishes in the dishwasher.  Mike and Jane went upstairs quickly to get their stuff, leaving Brooke and Sam in the kitchen to voice their excitement about the evening.

“Oh my god, can you believe this?”

“How… convenient,” Brooke smiled.

“I know.  I mean, if I was gonna write a story about this, I would have had the parents conveniently and predictably leave tonight.”  (take that as you will. :op )

“A ha, but the question is, what do you do after the ‘rentals have up and gone, leaving the two ‘uninhibited’ teenagers all alone with no one to watch over them?”

“Well you’ll just have to tune in to find out now won’t you Ms. McQueen?”

Just then, Mike and Jane trudge down the stairs with their luggage and head out the door to the car, where the girls join them to say goodbye.

“Leaving so soon?”  Sam joked.

“Are you trying to get rid of us?” Mike asked with a smile as he ran back in to grab something real quick.

“What time will you be home tomorrow?” Brooke asked Jane.  (A question she would be completely remissed not to ask.)

“Umm, we should be home around seven or so, our flights not until later… Are you sure you’re gonna be okay?”

Brooke and Sam both nod emphatically and answer simultaneously, “Yes.”

“Okay,” Jane laughed and gave them both a kiss and a hug goodbye.  Mike emerged from the house and then walked over to give them a kiss as well.

“Be good you two,” he said before getting into the car.

“Have a good night,” Brooke called out them.

Soon, their parents were out of sight leaving the two girls all alone in a big, empty house.  A big,
big empty house…


As soon as they closed the door, Brooke turned to Sam and said, “ditching school tomorrow?” 

So ditching school tomorrow.” 

Stepping backwards, Sam took Brooke’s hand in hers and led her with both hands to the staircase. 

“Don’t, pay any attention to me,” Brooke stated softly.  “I’m really
trying not to blush.”

Sam smiled and met Brooke face-to-face in front of her.  She leaned in and placed a long, sensuous kiss on her forehead, closing her eyes, and lightly squeezing Brooke’s hands. 

“Brooke,” she whispered.  “…I’ll be gentle, I promise.”

“I know you will.” the blonde replied, squeezing her back.

They proceeded to ascend the stairs where they then found themselves back in Brooke’s room, with the door shut behind them.  There was no one in the house, but for some reason, they closed the door anyway.  Brooke dimmed the lights, and then walked over to Sam, crushing her lips against the brunette’s.  In between kisses Sam muttered teasingly, “What, no foreplay?”

“Sam.” Brooke narrowed her eyes to the girl.  “Do you
need foreplay?  The blonde eyed her up and down.  “Cuz I don’t.” she finished, immediately pressing her lips against the brunette's again. 

This was it.  There was nothing stopping them now.  They could do as they pleased and not have to worry about anyone hearing or seeing anything they weren’t ready for them to see or hear.  It was an overwhelming sense of freedom.  Of everyone and everything around them.  All they needed to be concerned about was each other. 

Their tongues dueled for an eternity and a moment all at once; and then suddenly Sam pulled away and took a step back from Brooke.  Slowly, she pulled her top over her head and dropped it to the floor.  Soon, her arms went completely around her back and unhooked the burgundy lace bra that held her breasts, exposing her chest to the blonde’s reverent eyes.  She stood there a moment, as if offering herself to Brooke. 

The blonde just stood there, awestruck.  Sam was even more beautiful than she had imagined.  Her tight nipples centered her perfectly shaped breasts, so supple and tender.  And for some reason, her torso drove Brooke completely crazy.  There was something so sexy about her stomach.. the finely tuned abs and tan skin the light played upon.  It made Brooke swallow hard. 
Real hard.

She must have been staring a fairly long period of time because Sam softly cleared her throat, turning Brooke’s attention to her eyes.  A slow, sexy smile found its way onto Sam’s lips and as she spoke it was but a whisper…

“Kiss me Brooke.”

Part 3