Site Links The Constitution
This club has a constitution that all players are expected to read and follow.  Failure to follow these guidelines can result in punishments inlcuding fines, lowered playing time, or expulsion from the the team.  The constitution is as follows:
Club Officers
Section I: University of Northern Iowa Baseball Club

Section II: The purpose to the aforementioned group is to provide an opportunity for University of Northern Iowa students who have a great appreciation for the game of baseball to continue their athletic career in an environment conducive to enjoyment and recreation.  This club will provide the opportunity to compete on an intercollegiate basis for its members.

Section III:   Officers as follows:
Vice President:
Advertisement/Promotions Manager:
Statistics Manager:
Equipment Manager:
Scheduling Manager:
A member may hold more than one office concurrently with the exception of being both the president and vice president.  Also, offices with a slash may be divided into two separate positions if the numbers of the club allow.  (For example, secretary and treasure may be separated if there are adequate club members.)
Club History
How To Join
UNI Home
Conference Home
Section IV: Membership of the University of Northern Iowa Baseball Club is open to any UNI student who pays the annual dues.  Dues will be set at a minimum of $25 and a maximum of $125 per semester depending on the varying financial situation of the club.  Membership of the club will always be made up of at least 90% UNI students.

Section V: Officer’s qualifications and functions:
President: The main duty of the president is to oversee the entire club and make sure the constitution and the by-laws are adhered to.  The president is responsible for the organization of meetings and for presiding over those meetings.  In order to become president, nominees must have at least one year of active, dutiful service to the club (with the exception of the first president).
Vice President: The role of the vice president is to assist the president in all duties.  If the president is unavailable, it will be the vice president who acts in the president’s place.  In order to become vice president, nominees must have at least one year of active, dutiful service to the club (with the exception of the first vice president).
Secretary/Treasurer: The secretary/treasurer’s duties will include taking notes at all meetings (i.e. counting votes, taking attendance) and keeping track of all funds for the club.  It will be the job of the treasure to oversee the expenditures on equipment, field usage, etc.  In order to become secretary/treasurer, nominees must have at least one year of active, dutiful service to the club (with the exception of the first secretary/treasurer).
Web Designer/Advertisement Manager: The Web Designer/Advertisement manager’s duties will include maintaining the club’s website with the correct advertisement of all sponsors.  The Web Designer/Advertisement manager will also ensure the proper display of sponsor companies on programs, fliers, etc.
Statistics Manager: The statistics manager will be in charge of the maintenance and evaluation of all statistics.
Equipment Manager: The role of the equipment manager is to monitor the use of all necessary equipment for the UNI Baseball Club.  It is the equipment manager who will decide the items purchased and who will be in charge of the safe keeping of such items.  The equipment manage must confer with the treasure before making any purchases.
Scheduling Manager: The scheduling manager will be in charge of creating and maintaining a yearly schedule.  In order to become scheduling manager, candidates must have at least one year of active, dutiful service to the club (with the exception of the first scheduling manager).

Section VI: The ratification of the constitution requires an extraordinary majority of all the club members.  Voting will be done by ballot, and will occur after the reading of the constitution by club members .  Amendments to the constitution also require an extraordinary majority of all the club members after the subject has been debated by parliamentary procedure.

Section VII: Primary finances will come from club dues, fundraisers, student activity fee allocation, and possible sponsorship.
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