The Grundhai is one of a series of revolutionary midget submarine projects proposed in 1944/45.
They had in common to use aspects of aeroplane and rocket technology aerodynamics applied for hydrodynamic
The Grundhai is named after a special shark living at the bottom of the sea.It was intended as
a special sub for works at the sea bottom.One of its main purposes was to be able to salvage
damaged and sunken subs. But it had intended offensive tasks too, like the cutting of undersea
telefone cables and oil pipelines. Additionally it was suitable for transporting divers & nbsp;
and mines into enemy harbours. Beeing able to be transported by surface ships and submarines
in the near of its targets , it is rumored to have been one of the possible means of the planned
planting of a projected German atomic mine in US harbours like New York.
The Grundhai was specially built for its sea bottom work and was intended to be able to
dive and work in 1000 m depth of water,at its front there were 3 search- lights , and 2
electromotors were one each side of a kind of wing similar to an airplane.On the top
of the vehicle there was a coupola, which could be opened underwater for releasing the divers or
salvage the personnel of damaged subs,an electromagnetic forklike working instrument was pointing
to the front and could be moved and operated from the inside.For beeing able to drive and work on
the bottom of the sea ,the Grundhai was equipped with wheels and tank-like tracks.
According to available sources this midgesub never left the drawing board,but to some extent
it was the precursor of the modern DSRVs.
(Text by Dr.T.Jung)