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1/72 scale, PRICE US$25 with decals (plus P/P)

At the end of 1935 Airspeed was invited to tender for a high speed fighter to specification F35/35. The firm submitted a highly unconventional design with a pilot egg-shaped nacelle positioned behind the machine itself. The main reason for such layout was giving the pilot extremely good view in the air and on landing approach in particular. The well proven 745hp Kestrel engine combined with clean aerodynamic shape was to give the aircraft an exceptional performance. This was proved by testing a wind-tunnel model. Unfortunately, this revolutionary design was too ahead of its time and was soon cancelled. One of the reasons was that due to the position of the nacelle a pilot would hardly withstand high g-loads on tight manoeuvres.
Length....................29ft 6in
Wing area..............195sq.ft
Estimated speed...450mph
Armament...8 x .303" Browning machine guns

Boxtop art
Model/photo by L.C.Mumford
Parts photo (transparant canopy not shown)
Color guide

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To order or inquire e-mail us anytime!

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