Pioneer UAVs Inc.'s (PUI) RQ-2A/Pioneer is the longest serving UAV in the U.S. military,
with the Navy procuring two systems in Dec 85 and deploying one aboard the USS Iowa in Dec 86 for naval gunfire
support. Its design was based on Israeli Aircraft Industries (IAI)/Mazlat's Scout UAV. Thirty Pioneers
flew 858 combat sorties (2781 hrs) in the Gulf War and they have also flown over Somalia, Bosnia, and Haiti.
It reached the 15,000 hour mark in Jul 97. Today, the Navy operates six systems (five aircraft each) under one
unit (VC-6) from six modified LPDs, the Marines two systems under two units (VMU-1 and VMU-2), and both
train on a ninth system at NAMTRAGRUDET, Ft Huachuca, AZ. The Army operated one system
between 1990-95. Pioneer's engine and sensor have recently been upgraded.