The World of the Tao Te Ching
Some 2,500 years ago Lao Tzu wrote the Tao Te Ching. Second to the Bible, it is the most translated book in the world. In its 81 verses it gives us simple truths about peace, joy and harmony; and practical wisdom for life, work and relationships.

Traditionally ascribed to one Lao Tzu, an older contemporary of Confucius, the work is more probably an anthology of wise sayings compiled in about the fourth century BC.  As a treatise both on personal conduct and on government it is moral rather than mystical in tone, and advances a philosophy of meekness as the surest path to survival.


Who was Lao Tzu?

Lao-tzu lived twenty-five centuries ago in ancient China. Even though the details of his existence are shrouded in the mist of time, we know with a fair degree of certainty that his name was Li Er.

Legend has it that King Wu of Zhou appointed him head librarian of the imperial archives at Luoyang. In this capacity Lao-tzu was able to immerse himself in the study of history, philosophy and literature, gaining wisdom and insights along the way.

According to another well known legend, Confucius visited with Lao-tzu and came away in awe of Lao-tzu's intellect. Confucius recognized in Lao-tzu a deep understanding about the world that was above his own, and went so far as to liken Lao-tzu to the mysterious dragon.

Lao-tzu decided to leave civilization behind when the House of Zhao began its decline. He departed Luoyang and headed through the Hangu Pass to some destination beyond the Great Wall.

Before leaving the gate at the Great Wall, a guard at the gate asked him to write down his thoughts on the Tao for posterity. Lao-tzu agreed, and wrote a small book in two parts, expressing his accumulated learnings in brief, concise yet profound language. This book survived over 2,500 years and came to be known as the Tao Te Ching.
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Name: Dominick Hiddo-Perry