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The Grace United Methodist Women live up to their purpose to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ by being the right hand of the church when it comes to projects to make a difference in the community and the world.
Support: Thank Offering and Prayer and Self Denial monies go to fund world-wide mission projects.
Assemble: The 100 + school, health, and baby kit items which are provided by the congregation. Kits are distributed during crisis periods around the world by Church World Service. A second-mile project of Mary and Joseph Refugee Kits for displaced persons is also a project.
Caring and Support: Cards and prayers for our shut-ins.
Fund projects: Otterbein Homes, Grace Children's Hospital, McCurdy Mission School, Agape, Helping Hands.
Remember our missionaries who have gone forth for us in Christ's name.
Labels & Stamps: Campbell's Soup Labels (need complete bar code), box tops for education, Recipients are McCurdy, Red Bird or Henderson Mission Sites. Cancelled Postage Stamps go to Veteran orgnizations.
Read: Participate in the Conference Reading Programs with designated books on social concerns, missions, spiritual growth, and nurturing the community.
UNW meets at 7:30 on the Third Wednesday of each month, with the exception of January, February, July, and August.
Prayer Concerns
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Adult Sunday School
Photo Gallery
Childrens Worship
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US Military