go back to those far far eighties and remember how it all began.........
have been here since July 31, 1998
- on the top with the single 'Sounds Like A Melody' " (taken from OKEY,
guys from Münster became BIG IN GERMANY with 'Big In Japan' "
(taken from BRAVO, 1984)
a new member" (taken from POPPIS, No.3, 1985)
special interview with Marian Gold (taken from POPPIS, 1985-86)
had to drop 25 kg" (taken from BRAVO, 1986)
Life is impossible without breathable atmosphere" (taken from POP/Rocky,
dated the end of the 80s), a wake-up letter to the POP/Rocky-readers
Lady Bright is working on more articles
for this site, so be sure to come back later!
Translations from Swedish done by Staffan
from German - by Lady
Bright and Rosie Raffin
Copyright © 1998 Lady Bright