Abortion vs. Vegetarianism

CAUTION: This is a vegetarian related article.  By writing this, I'm not trying to change anyone's beliefs or push my own on you, the reader.  I'm just trying to make a point. *trying*

    I was sitting in the drive thru at McDonald's today waiting for the person to take my order when i noticed the car in front of me had one of those "It's a child, not a choice" stickers on the front of it.  These stickers have always kind of bothered me because just in the way theyre written it's almost as if these people are trying to say you're *wrong* if you believe it's ok to get rid of an unborn fetus because you couldn't afford to bring it up right or because you can't even handle putting it up for adoption. 
    But that's not my point.  I'm sitting here watching this woman in the car and she pulls forward and gets her food.  I see the person in the window put a hamburger in the bag and hand it to her.  Ok, so apparently this uninformed woman thinks it's perfectly OK to kill a living breathing animal.. AFTER it's already been born.. not before.. This animal probably lived to be at least 2 years old and most likely older but it was killed off so that SHE could have lunch for a cheap price at a shitty restaraunt.  But it's NOT ok to, for whatever reason, have an abortion and kill off a FETUS, not a CHILD, a fetus, which, if you get the abortion within the first or second month, CANT FEEL ANYTHING.. it doesn't even understand the concept of pain.  It's just there.. in a bubble sucking the nutrients out of the mother so that maybe someday it can become a child.  but for now, it's just an UNBORN fetus. 
    NOW, maybe you can help me understand the logic behind this.. Apparently, it's just fine and dandy if you kill something that was just sitting there minding it's own business trying to live off what little shite it gets to eat and drink, its ok to kill an animal that's been LIVING.. its ALIVE people.. and it CAN feel it when that fucker shoots it in the face or however they feel like killing it.  BUT, it's just a CRIME, its MURDER if you have a fucking abortion and kill (im not sure if you can actually kill something that's not ALIVE, but for lack of a better word, i use "kill") a fetus, that's obviously not living or it wouldnt be attached to the inside of the womb sucking in shit from the food the mom is eating, it would be eating all this stuff itself if it were a living human being.  It's an organism, a PARASITE even.. and it hasn't been born yet.  So technically, you're not "killing" anything when you have an abortion, but when you go to the store and buy a big ass steak or some bacon or take a trip to mcdonalds and get a hamburger, you ARE killing something.. How can you convince yourself that it's OK?  (unless you are the woman i saw at mcdonalds or someone just like her, these comments arent directed towards YOU personally, just so you know) 
    And yes, I have been told that if we didn't kill off these cows and pigs and whatnot, they could overpopulate. OH MY GOD!!! NOT TOO MANY COWS!! ANYTHING BUT THAT!! THOSE HORRENDOUS CREATURES!! Besides, there wouldnt be as many as there are if people didnt raise so many of them just to kill them and sell them, SO if people didnt kill these animals to have a nice home cooked dinner, there wouldn't be any money in the meat market, farmers would have no reason to raise more cows to kill them, and they would NOT over populate.  And don't think it isn't possible for people to be healthy and eat happily without meat.  Jews do it dont they? Why the hell cant anyone else? 
    Ok, thats my little rant. thanks for hanging in there and reading it all the way through. I just had to get that off my chest.  I'm not even sure if I've gotten my point across quite the way i wanted to, but like i said, i was only *trying* to get someone to listen. 
