Unofficial DRCs

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DRCs for Wednesday, November 28th, 2001
...I'm out of Hentai terms.
Well, I guess I managed to get one more edition. And goly, who new my mentioining of Yuri would cause a massive influx of Hentai on the Board? It boggels the mind.
    I need um.. something. Never mind. -VanRoosta
WDIIA: When you figure it out, come back. We always can use more UDRC's.
    If you have some free time and wanna play as a fat guy, be David Mariner in Wave Race. He has the funniest turbo yell ever and his little icon is a huge cheeseburger. Nothin' beats that. TUUUURRRBOOOOO!!! -garman
WDIIA: *Wishs he had a Gamecube*
John Cusack: What's up, man?
*Shoots John Cusack*
    I thought the Vibe was going up? What, other than me, could be holding it up now!! That reminds me...I gotta do...stuff -Goober
WDIIA: Hurry up so I can retiere!
John Cusack: Help me!
WDIIA: Quiet you! *Shoots John Cusack*

Parting Words, by John Cusack

He's mad! Mad I tell you! Oh, and don't tell WDIIA that he missed Doujinshi, or however you spell it. That's Manga porn, while Hentai is Anime! Aieeeee! *Dies*