Photo Album
Hello & Welcome to my Photo Album,
I don't really do this everyday, but I though what the heck I could just post my pictures that I got to FINALLY developed and scan all in one day *smiles*
I feel very proud of myself that I got to and was able to do this on my own.
Learning how to scan pictures is very complicated, even learning it is even worse, if you don't know how to use one, but luckily I managed to figure it out. *grins*
So here are my pictures, yes the reccent ones.
May 2003.
August 2003

I am going to use this for testing such as banners/logos, I am not so sure if I will be able to leave my pictures that I oringinally left, I am going to have to work on it, but for now I am going to have to think about it. LOL.
Aren't I dorky? O buddy o' pal
So what if I am dorky, I wanted to see if me crossing my eyes and sticking out my tongue, while I worked to take this picture on my own, would come out, and did come out......the way I never thought it would come out and look like. LOL.
Now this is what I call a GOOD picture of me and my very old friend Isaac. I like this picture, my mom took it. I like the way it came out.
Here is me and my great-grandma, this was in a retirement home. I was supposed to be happy, but knowing that I am very emotional I ended up crying, but I manage to smile a bit.
Here is my mom, I took this picture because I wanted to and I am glad that I took the picture. She was making lunch for us, because we were hungry. LOL