Highlander Stories

These are all short or very short stories, mostly slash or slashy.


So...  (For the 2007 Christmas fest. D/M, explicit, eccentric)

Suiting Up  (For the Bar Story challenge; a clothing story, Adult. For D/M, Explicit, see Undone)

Tied  (Follows "Suiting Up"; another clothing story)

Undone  (Follows "Tied"; another clothing story)

Hans and Foots  (Coda following "Unsuited")

Like Patience on a Monument  (Kronos and the pillar)

The Cherries and the Snow Job  (blame it on the doll; Remix/Redux III challenge story)

Fishy, Fishy, Fishy  (Like the title says; A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Words challenge story)

It Was Midnight...  (Methos tries to write a story)

Cold Comfort  (gift giving)

Carciofi  (a food story)

Give and Take (it's a matter of balance)

Not  (after Not to Be)

One Night in Lille  (Duncan, Methos, Musketeers)

A Winter Night  (Solstice story; also linked to The Village stories, below)

The Village (Darius/Methos):

Mud, Mead, and Lice  (How the Priest's Man came to the Village. Before "A Winter Night")

Bees  (This story begins immediately after "Mud, Mead, and Lice." It can be enjoyed as a teasing story in itself; it is, actually, the first chapter of a longer one. The other Village stories fit around and in between.)

Mud Season  (New: more mud, different season)

A Little Sting  (A taste of honey, a taste of May)

Of Late  (Darius in a time of dust)

[I haven't updated this page in quite a while; until I can format these, some additional Darius/Methos ficlets can be found on my LJ here]


      short bits

Christmas Story (a cranky one)

Another Christmas Story (another cranky one)

Soggy Catfic (silly)

Bar Story (a joke)

Old Friends



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