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Welcome to Kaelem Darkblade's Ulthwe' Craftworld
The Seer Council welcomes you, Mon-Keigh.
Ulthwe' Seer Council
Ulthanesh Shelwe'
Image Gallery
    Ulthwe' was the closest of any surviving craftworld to the opening of the Eye of Terror, a rift from space into the realm of Chaos.
      As a result their farseers and warlocks are more gifted and greater in number than any other craftworld. They see what others cannot, reaching far into the future, witnessing a myriad of possiblities and outcomes for the smallest of actions.
       Claiming to see what even the farseers of other craftworlds cannot has lead to mistrust, even conflict, with other eldar.
        They know what is best, and will choose the path that restores the eldar race to greatness, and
no one will stand in the way......
If I manage to get another digital camera, then I will be updating the gallery again.

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Warhammer page.
Fire Dragons
Wave Serpent 1
Wild Rider Chief
Wave Serpent 2
Warp Spider Wraithlords
Painting tips  Now Open
Strange Invader
Jetbike Warlock Avatar of Khaine
This is Kaelem
Storm guardians
Vyper Jetbike
Dark Reaper Exarchs w/missle launchers
More coming soon!
Just a Fan Site...
This page is not an official production of Games-Workshop. The names of armies and units used here, as well as Warhammer 40,000, are trademarks of GamesWorkshop, Ltd. and are used without permission.
Background courtesy of Agis Neugebauer
click here for his amazing site.
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