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Thick Skinned
Shedding thick skin
escaping, sliding out, slippery and wet
slimy body.

How do I let go?
Fear controls me
Emancipated into a deeper awareness
of my hidden virtues.

But I don't want to see them,
want to ignore them and move on with my life.
Struggle to reach the surface
the skin is too deep,
and I fight to breathe.
Twist a knife
concealing it in soft skin
blade ripping flesh
blood pouring out
let them feel the pain for once
feel inferior, like I do.
Stab it deep
like the pain I have, deeper than the soul itself.

Power, respect, desire
So imbalanced
going crazy
Anger sweeping over me
whips, chains
tie him up like he has me,

Baby, sweety, darling,
give her a lollipop, life will be fine.
Apology accepted
She's a child
Bitch if she speaks her mind.
The Many Sides of Me
You look at me and you see a girl
A shell of beauty
but look deeper and you might see my hopes, my dreams
An octagon with many sides of me.

Placed in a box, but I hold the key to leave
You only see me through the glass,
Never changing
Always only
A woman
All That I Have To Give
It rips the soul from inside me,
but calms me
I cry but peace envelopes me

I escape to it's depths
Finding comfort in the storm.

A release,
Building of lies
Of happiness,
Of success
Of unfulfilled dreams.
Acceptance and hope
of normality.

Fighting realization of failure
Numb to adventure,

All I have to give.
The Chain
You hold a chain that binds me
Wrapping your arms tightly around me,
Offering wonder and enjoyment.

I want to escape the grip but
Seek the sparkling jewel in your eyes.

I allow you to possess me
In mind and body
To take me to further thresholds.

But still I glance occasionally
At the other jewels that sparkle.
Holding On
An ongoing debate
Holding on to what was and may never be again.

Seeing something that isn't there?
Wishing for someone to love me
To hold onto me
And want to be with me every second.

Someone to have and to hold,
Though sickness and in health
'Til death do us part.

A part of me,
Can't bear to see his life without me in it
Like I feel about him.

Fall hard
Like a parachuter
Who's realized they have no chute.

Save me,
It's not too late.
I'm holding on.
They see a face, but not a soul,
and twist her strands of hair
"I love you, I need you, I want you,"
they say,
An hour glass, it's only time
til the tiny grains of "love" slip away.
And a sandstorm is stinging in my eyes.

You say even with flaws you'd accept me
But they're already washed clean in pools of past tears,
With reassurance of love stronger than you can ever show me.

You use them as knives, scarring me,
Showing me my worth to you is pennies.

So, I must speak my mind,
Put my foot down and take your qualms,
Accepting your so called truth of me as Ludicrous.