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Here is the latest update on PAWN:

Well, any of you that have been able to catch one of the more recent shows may have noticed a change of guard on the throne. Maybe some of you even recognized him. If so, and you thought it was Nate Brooks, you were right. After about 8 years of not even seeing each other Nate and I (Marc) happened back into each other, and we sat down, and boom, the songs were all the sudden being played like they were brand new again. In addition, the compliments that he has added to the newer stuff is unbelievable.
Between the Bass stylings of Nick and the drumming of Nate, we now have a solid back bone to rely on, and it showed at the recent Woodstock of the North. We somehow placed in the top ten bands for the week, we're not quite sure where, but it will be announced at the awards ceremony slated for October.
You'll notice that we have some more shows listed on the show page, and if we can pull everything together, we should be playing a nice sized schedule again shortly. Don't worry Chicago, we haven't forgotten about you, if everything goes according to plan, we might even be able to squeek something in before years end, and if so, we plan on trying to get our friends from S.X.X. out there with us. Also we are currently looking for that elusive second guitarist, so if that might be you, get ahold of us. Anyway, that's about all I've got time for now, but we'll try to keep you updated. c-ya Marc