the event was all nostalgic, sentimental and joyful.  the immediate family, relatives and friends met for the occassion and were treated to a very unforgettable golden wedding anniversary ever.

the setting was in sunny west covina in los angeles, california, u.s.a.  tita peach coordinated with the visitors by assigning relatives to stay at their house while she and tito ramon availed themselves of the complimentary room offered by the hotel.  some relatives opted to stay at the hotel as well and took advantage of the discount offered to  wedding guests.

the golden wedding anniversary mass was held on a saturday, 12 april 2003 at 2:30 in the afternoon at the saint john vianney catholic church in turnbull canyon road, hacienda heights, california.  the solemn rite was presided by a very young filipino priest, rev. fr. benny justiniano. the church was beautifully decorated with lots of spring flowers.  the renewal of vows was very touching and a few cried.  tito ramon could barely walk.  but he stood his ground and even stayed on his feet for most of the ceremony.

the venue for the dinner-dance after the mass was at the raddisson hotel, baldwin park, california.  dinner was at 6 pm but we were served hors d'eouvers at 5 pm.  there we met  a lot of friends and long lost relatives.  introductions and surprises were at hand.  a lot of picture taking too.

at the dinner, we were treated to a program provided by the immediate family of tito ramon/tita peach.  their children, together with the spouses and kids participated in a very entertaining and musical array of talents and speeches.  becky's husband, romy orchestrated everything.  there were singing, dancing, and band group playing.  each family contributed their talent.  abeth and gene's only son rendered a modern solo dance which delighted all.  ronnie and meriem, together wiith their 4 children (2 boys and 2 girls) all grown, gave a very beautiful modern dance.  while meldy, george and their 4 children (3 boys and 1 girl) formed a band and played several songs and each used different instruments.  it was fantastic.  becky sang and romy danced.  all were entertained.  tito ramon kept up with the occassion.  he never once complained nor slumped.  they had the first dance (of course they did not finish the music).  the highlight was the speech ronnie gave.  we were all teary eyed. a lot of dancing and table hopping followed.  also a lot of picture taking.  we were also treated to a home movie of tito ramon and tita peach from the start of their courtship to the present.  at the end of the affair, lots of prizes were awarded for different categories.  i got some flowers.  also, an audio tape, a collection of their favourite love songs - both tagalog and english, was given to everyone as a souvenir.   all in all it was unforgettable.

i held and squeezed tito ramon's hand when i sat with him for quite a while.  close relatives and family did the same. it was like saying we care for him a lot.
The 50th Wedding Anniversary of:
Dr Ramon I. Ursua and Josefa "Peach" Cruel
tito ramon/tita peach wedding anniversary
by:  rowena villareal wagner

Photos of the affair to come!
Please come back soon.