Ursua Family Links
Heraldica Vasca: Ursua
An introduction to the origin of the surname , etc. (in Spanish).
Historia del Apellido Ursua
A brief introduction to the surname origins and surname history (in Spanish).
Genalogia y Heraldica del Apellido Ursua
Another site on the origin of the name Ursua (in Spanish). Click the letter "U" on the top of the page, then  the name "Ursua" on your left side  of the page.
Meaning of the Basque name Ursua
Ursua surname history. Two interpretations of the meaning of the name Ursua (in Spanish and Basque).
Palacio de Ursua
The Palace of Ursua in Arizcun, Baztan in the Spanish province of Navarra (text is in Spanish)
Euskaldunen Iturria: Basque Origins
This site no longer exist. Sorry!
Basques in the Philippine Islands
An article from the Center for Basque Studies  tracing the arrival of the Basque people in the Philippines.
Pedro de Ursua: El Dorado
This site no longer exist. Sorry!
Palacio de Ursua Moscatel
Bet you didn't know there is a wine with the name Ursua.
Imperial Family Web Site
Web site of the Imperial family of Pili, Camarines Sur, in the Bicol region.
Silva-Netto Family
Web site of Mayon Silva-Netto and the Silva-Netto family of Naga City in Bicol.
Dy-Liaccos Downunder
Personal Web site of Tina Dy-Liacco with family and friends.
Linda Villaluz, from Canada, and her family helping the kids of Vinzons, Camarines Norte in Bicol.
Paraiso Kids Zone
Personal Web site of Hubert Bryan Ursua of Naga City in Bicol. Very nice.
Hubert Bryan Ursua
The Ayala family of Libmanan, Camarines Sur in Bicol. Learn more about the descendants of Simeon Ayala and Felicitas Ursua.
Ayala Family Web site
Jet Bagadion's web site featuring a search engine that allows you to look for a person in the family with a clever navigation system to move you around the family tree. Try it.
JetB's family tree Project            NEW!
News and historical features about Baao, Camarines Sur. Run by Jose de los Santos, a descendant of Lucas "Andeng" Imperial, it features an extended Imperial family tree.
Baritang Banuaan            NEW!
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This page provides links to various sites in the web that contain information about the heritage, history , origin and meaning of the surname Ursua. Those doing research  on genealogy and interested in the Basque name can start their search on the sites below.

Where available, the web sites of various family connections from Libmanan and Naga City in Bicol, whether they are personal pages or  family tree related pages, are provided as well.

Some text are in Spanish. If you need help in translation, there is a  link to a free translation service at the bottom of this page.
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