
Audra: Audra was my best friend throughout high school, and I chose her to be a maid of honor in my wedding, along with my sister of course...Audra is one of the funniest people I know, and so motivated, and a hard worker, I know she'll succeed in life. Audra and I had the best times in high school, partying and being teenagers. She also was my State board model for my BIG Cosmetology Exam that was taken in Los Angeles. I had to cut a half an inch off her hair, (which ended up being an inch since my sheers that the State board supplied were dull and wouldn't cut right).What a champ though, to do this for me, spend 8 hours of her time allowing me to put shaving cream in her hair to simulate color and stuff. Something my own sister wouldn't have done for me. She is a true friend, and friends like her come one in a million.

Cathie: Cathie is a good friend of mine that was my roommate in Flight Attendant training, and my roommate when I was based in Pittsburgh, PA. She was a bridesmaid in my wedding, ended up meeting my cousin Mike, and now planning a wedding of their own for July. :) I'm so happy for them. Cathie is a great friend, always a good listener, gives great advice, VERY fun to be around, she and I lived about 5 months without a TV, but still managed to enjoy eachother's company by just talking and laughing and making fun of people we didn't like. Now I'm based in Charlotte, NC, and I miss her so much, those fun times together shopping everyday since we weren't flying much there, if at all....and of course getting all dolled up and going dancing. Some of my funniest and best memories consist of Cathie...Overall, she is one of the best friends I have. Love ya Cathie!!! Best of luck with everything, Can't wait to be your "Cousin in law"

Leah: Leah has been a good friend to me since the day I met her. She's been through a lot of good and bad these past years, and I just wish her the best in life, because she definetly deserves it. Leah is a crazy girl with a "Tell it like it is" attitude which made hanging out with Leah some of the more memorable and exciting days of my life. She was the first to know about PJ, and when he and I started dating, she got to watch us grow together, and finally marry. She also was a bridesmaid in my wedding. I haven't seen or talked to her since, but I hope she is doing well.

Samantha: Sam is one of my good friends from High school. I met her actually my first year in Junior High, and we've been good friends ever since. Samantha and I were always close. My brother used to date her cousin Danni and all four of us would go out and do stuff together. A few years ago Samantha lost her mother to sudden cancer, and a few months after that Danni was killed by a drunk driver. Regardless of all this that has happened to her, she keeps her chin up and is ready to experience the rest of what life has to offer her. People like her are an inspiration to others.

Julane: Julane is like a sister to me. She was my next door neighbor for about 20 years. She is my sister's age, but I remember all the fun childhood memories I had with her and my sister, playing Barbies and playing "Grease 2" in which she was "Paulette" my sister was "Stephanie" and they made me be "Sharon" which always made me mad. We used to Cheerlead together for about 3 years for a city team back when we were VERY young. She ended up moving to Atlanta, GA, and I see her on occasion when I have an overnight in Atlanta. She also was one of my bridesmaids, damn, she's practically my sister. I love her like one.

Travis: Travis is another friend from Flight attendant training, also known as my "Sista" -click click He was in my training group and always made me laugh (and still does), was great encouragement through this very stressful period...He's based in Philadelphia, PA, so I rarely see him anymore, but I do miss the fun times we had in training, and seeing his big old smiley face when I see him in the airports or on layovers. He's always a good pick me up for days when you're grumpy or sad.
