9/11 Tribute
September 11th, 2001, will forever be remember as a day in infamy. On this Tuesday Morning, there was a horrendous terrorist attack on America which can only be described as an act of war. Two planes crashed into the World Trade Center's Twin Towers in New York City, another into the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and a fourth in Pennsylvania.  American Airlines Flight 11, UNITED Airlines Flight 175, American Airlines Flight 77, and UNITED Airlines Flight 93 were hijacked by terrorists and flown into symbols of America in what most compare to Kamikaze tactics.  This caused the World Trade Center's Twin Towers to collapse and crushed a portion of the Pentagon. It is believed that the plane that went down in Pennsylvania was headed for the White House.
Before the attacks were over we had lost more than 3,000 innocent Americans. This site is dedicated to those people and the lucky people who made it out alive, but now have to live with the awful terror of that day.
While the terrorists were trying to tear America apart, they only brought us closer. They will not win, they will be defeated. America will be victorious. We will not allow any more of our innocent civilians be taken away from us without a fight. They may have started it, but we will finish it.
The terrorists didn't give America enough credit. The colors Red, White, and Blue have a very specific meaning. And it will be these colors that keep America free. Free from having to live out lives in fear and free from terror.