Support Our Soldiers
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Every day men and women put their lives on the line for American citizens and we don't even realize it. While we are at home watching our favorite tv show, they are fighting for our freedoms. while we are at work complaining about our demanding boss, they have a drill sargeant in their face demanding more. While we complain about the government and how awfult hsi country is, they're striving to make it the best it can be.
Freedom comes with a price, these men and women are the ones that pay it for us. They are the people that love their country so much that they would risk their lives for it. And many not only risk their lives, but loose too.
To these brave men and women who give their all, AMERICA SALUTES YOU.
And to the family members of the soldiers who paid the ultimate price fighting for this country, you and your loved one will remain alive in our hearts forever.

So the next time you start to complain, just remember the people that have fought to give you the freedom of speech. Remember the cost that they have paid. Remember the cost their families have paid. And be thankful that their sacrifices do not go unrewarded or unnoticed.

On October 7th, 2001, the war against terror begun. May God be with all the soldiers that are overseas fighting this war and be with their families that miss them so.
God Bless America!