As you've probably heard, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals just ruled the Pledge Of Allegiance unconstitutional in our public schools. The judges ruled that the phrase "under God" is a violation of the U.S. Constitution because it creates an "establishment" of religion.
I can understand some of the arguements as it does cross the seperation of Church and State, but I, along with many, still do not agree with the ruling. So many people were quoting the Pledge and saying how God carried us through the 9/11 attacks, but now that it is behind us, people are willing to turn their backs on God, again.
If you are in support of the Pledge then please click on the link below and sign the petition to have the ruling reversed. Currently the ruling is only for 9 Western states, but I'm sure others will follow if this is held up. Please make a stand and help us keep the Pledge in our schools!
Sign the Petition!
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