This is the western end of Interstate 68 in West Virginia.  These pictures were taken the end of March, 2002.
<----This is the runaway truck ramp heading Eastbound.
The rest of these pictures were taken in order heading westbound.  Some aren't too good but give me a break.....if we didn't stop to get the picture it was taken at 70 m.p.h.
Trucks - Steep grade 3 mi. ahead
Trucks must exit completely off the interstate.  Above is the area they pull into. 
Trucks - 5% Grade Next 4 miles.
This is the exit of the mandatory truck stop.  Trucks drive a short ways on a 2 lane road (which dead ends), then they turn left onto the road from which they re-enter the interstate.
Trucks - 30 m.p.h. Bottom of Grade
Runaway Truck Ramp 1/2 mile
Runaway truck ramp westbound.
Exit 10 - Runaway Trucks - Do Not Exit - 7% Grade on Ramp   ---------------------->
All photos have been resized to fit on pages.
Photos may be used if permission is asked and proper credit is given to the photographer.