Havino Alternative Healthcare

Herbal and Vital Energy Based Medecine

Who are we ?

We are an alternative medecine treatment center. Our staff is composed of senior consultants and herbal doctors, people with extensive knowledge of natural herbal remedies and with years of practice in the field of vital energy use. Our headquarters are located in Cotonou, BENIN.

What is vital energy? It is the life force that drives everything in existence. Once that energy is directed toward any ailing organ, it gives the organ all the life it needs to get quickly back into normal shape and function.

Our vital energy consultants are experts in the art of loading our herbal remedies with the appropriate dose and quality of vital energy needed to cure your disease or greatly alleviate your pain.

What do we do?

We help the sick get back into a perfect state of health. We make energy loaded remedies to cure diseases or at least to get the ailing organ back to a state whereas the person can lead a normal life. Our supplements and herbal remedies are personalized. Unless otherwise stated, each of our remedies is made specifically and only for the person they are intended to.

Once an herbal remedy is loaded with the exact quantity and quality of vital energy, it becomes a powerful remedy, so potent that it can cure your sickness no matter how long you have had it, no matter how bad it is, and no matter how incurable it is – example of most long term paralysis. As long as the organ or the body to be healed is still fully present, our remedies will have a quick action upon it.

We receive patients in Benin, and we also diagnose and treat patients by mailing their remedies and supplements to them. Our treatments are a hundred percent effective. Some of our patients get well so fast they think they are living a miracle.

How do we treat our patients?

Once you contact us, either in person, through email or on the phone, we will need to know your symptoms and the medical diagnosis in your case. In most cases, the medical diagnosis is irrelevant, as we treat our patients from both a holistic and an energetic perspective.

As soon as we determine what supplements and remedies you need, and once you pay for the treatment, we will personalize the supplements and remedies for you and load them with the appropriate quantities and qualities of vital energy necessary to cure your disease in just a few days. Allow about two days for this personalization and loading process. A package containing all your supplements and remedies will then be shipped to you with all necessary instructions. Simply follow the instructions and use the products as indicated. Most of our herbal remedies are in liquid form and are to be taken by mouth.

What if you are already under medical treatment?

It doesn’t matter to us if you are under medical treatment or not. From experience, we know that herbal energetic remedies and pharmaceutical drugs complement each other in their effects. So do not stop taking your prescription drugs if you are taking our supplements and remedies. And if you are not currently under medical treatment, do not think you need to go see a doctor before you can come to us.

Feel free to contact us to tell us about what's been bothering you.


Contact Us


To learn more about how we can help relieve your pains or even cure your disease, email us or call us and tell us about yourself, your country, your city of residence, your age, your marital status, your employment status and about your health problems. As health issues are often related, please mention all your symptoms, and tell us the medical diagnosis in your case.
In return we will tell you how we can help you get in better shape and make your health problem a thing of the past.

Main Location:
Tel.: +229-9615-6649
