Do not Cry for me... Do not cry for spriit flies among the stars look up, feel me touch your face my love carried by the warmth of the sun, embracing you- I am here. Remember me by enjoying life see me in the everyday things Remember me- honour me- by living as I would live by laughing as I would laugh and by honouring the cause for which I gave my life. I am an explorer, not limited by the boundaries of earth and time... I have golden wings and my eyes are filled with stars and brilliant lights filled by the universe and all its wonders... my only regret now is the pain you feel. Do not wear black, do not weep and mourn celebrate my spirit celebrate my courage and give my memory life through the joy my memory brings. Rejoice in my life in my love, do not cry for me... laugh, live! and look, as I did, to the sky. L'chaim! (copyright 2003 BPS) |
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