I was Staff Writer and Asst. Editor of the Five and Ten, a
weekly for the members of the XV Army Corps in 1945...
before the Constabulary was activated.....The masthead says only
Staff Writer, but since the
editor didn't want an Asst...on the masthead...(I did all the work)
sometimes that's the way editors are..(G) I haven't looked at
my copy of the
Lightning Bolt to see who was what, but I did the same thing for them..no
change as I recall...I don't think the Lightning Bolt even had a masthead....
When the USC was activated, they took over our HQ which was a Corps
HQ and
made into a GHQ for General Harmon and the USC....they kept all the
XV Corps
personnel and just transferred them to the USC...and in doing so,
deactivated the XV Corps....I assumed the same responsibilities with
USC, never having changed desks...
I requested and got permission to go to Nuremberg and attend the trials...spend
days there on assignment...Admiral Doenitz was on the stand at that
saw all the defendants sitting only about 30 feet away from me....what
kick!!! That was before Goering committed suicide....
The prosecutors were querying Doenitz as to why he "did not pick up
survivors from the sunk US ships with his submarines".
Truly a great experience for me...
Ed Bowley
The Plam Beach Post interviewed some of the people who were involved with the Nuremberg Trial. Ed Bowley was among them. Below you will read the article that was written by Douglas Kalajian after his interview with Bowley.
[Another view of Nuremberg]
Ed Bowley, now 82 of Boynton Beach, was an Army corporal stationed in Bamberg, Germany, when the Nuremberg trial began. Bowley had studied shorthand and typing in high school, a lucky decision that got him assigned to a clerical job instead of a foxhole. That, in turn, led to assignments as an editor and writer for various Army newspapers.
His staff credentials from the Lightning Bolt, newspaper of the U.S. Constabulary, allowed him to wangle a two-day press pass into the packed and tightly guarded Nuremberg court room.
Bowley watched as Adm. Karl Doenitz testified about his role as commander of the German navy and Hitler's successor as head of state in the final days of the war. Doenitz appeared calm as prosecutors insisted his submarines refused to rescue American sailors after sinking their ship.
"He was a slim man," Bowley recalls". "I bet he didn't weigh more than 150 pounds. He wasn't that aggressive. He seemed more complacent than the rest."
Evidence showed Doenitz was an enthusiastic Nazi who knew that slave
labor was being used in shipyards and who continued to wage war futile.
He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
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