US Highways at West Yellowstone MT
(the West Entrance to Yellowstone National Park)


Approx. time period

US 191


US 20



Note: since I don't have access to a comprehensive collection of historical road atlases, much of the info on this page is based on the research of Robert Droz; click here to view his site. Photo credits: Chris Elbert

The photo below is looking into Yellowstone National Park, approaching from West Yellowstone MT:

Elbert, July 2005

That was the original north end of US 191. Then, for a brief period during the early 1980's, it was the south end of US 191. Today it's the south end of the northern segments of both US 191 and US 287 (which both resume at the South entrance), as well as the east end of US 20's western segment (which resumes at the East entrance). Below we're looking the opposite direction, at the point where all three of these routes are signed for the first time west of the Park:

Elbert, July 2005

The three routes are co-signed for only a short distance before they go their separate ways.

Page created 22 August 2005; last updated 24 August 2005.
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