Historic US Highway ends
in Kingman, AZ
Approx. time
(Note: much of the information on this page is based on the
research of Robert Droz, who also provided the map scan below;
click here to
view his site.)
The photos below are courtesy of Alan
Hamilton. This first one is looking east down Beale Street, which
served as US 66 until sometime in the 1960's (it's hard to make out,
but there's a "Historic 66" sign next to the traffic signal).
Eastbound US 66 came in from the right, through where the little
park in the middleground is now, and then straight ahead on Beale.
Eastbound US 466 (and later southbound US 93) came in from Las Vegas
and ended at the junction with US 66, right about in this spot.
Later US 66 was re-routed along Andy Devine Avenue - a newer
bypass running one block to the south (right) of Beale - which is now
designated Business Loop I-40. The little park shown above was built
then, to encourage traffic to stay off Beale; that's why this
intersection looks different now than it did originally. So after the
early 1960's, US 93/466 angled to the right, to intersect Andy Devine
in one block. That intersection is shown below.
The cross street is Andy Devine, or the "new" route 66. So US
93/466 ended here for a few years. In 1965 the US 93 designation was
extended further south, and then in 1969 Arizona got rid of the US
466 designation in their state.
Page created 23 April 2004; last updated 23
April 2004.