Highway |
Approx. time period |
1926-present |
1930-1963 |
Research credits: Nathan Perry. Photo credits: Brian Farr; Doug Kerr; Alex Nitzman
The north end of US 220 has always been in Waverly NY, but the exact location of its terminus has moved over the years. Originally there was no US 220 bypass around Athens and Sayre PA. Instead, US 220 (along with US 309 after 1930) essentially followed what is now PA 199 through those towns. Near the state line, the route jogged around a bit before ending up on Pennsylvania Avenue in Waverly. You can see it on the USGS map below (the red diagonal south of Chemung Street):
The photo below is looking northeast on Penn, approaching Chemung (old NY hwy. 17):
Farr, Apr. 2002
US 220/309 originally ended at that intersection. Today's US 220 bypass around Athens and Sayre was built in 1973; at that time the location of its north terminus changed. Though the route still ends at its junction with old NY hwy 17, it's now about a half-mile west of its former terminus (see map below):
Penn Av is the road running through the letter "o" in "Forest". As you can see, construction of the NY 17 freeway wiped out a segment of old route 220/309 heading down into Pennsylvania. Nathan provided that image, along with the following description:
"Red indicates NYSDOT maintenance; orange indicates PENNDOT maintenance; and brown indicates county maintenance. Note that US 220 in New York is not state-maintained, which explains why it doesn't show up in state records - and why there is so much confusion about the location of its terminus."
The photo below is just north of 220's interchange with NY 17 (and future I-86; otherwise known as the Southern Tier Expressway):
Nitzman, 2000
US 309 had been truncated out of Waverly by 1963 (and it was completely decommissioned in 1967), so the junction shown above was never an endpoint of US 309. The photo below was taken from westbound Chemung:
Nitzman, 2000
US 220 begins to the left. By April 2002 that assembly had changed a bit:
Kerr, Apr. 2002
Page (in its original form) created 02 November 1999; last updated 13 September 2005. |