Historic US highway endpoints in Santa Fe NM
Approx. time period
1926-1932 |
1932-1974 |
84 |
1940-1943 |
Photo credits: me. Map scan: Robert
At first glance, I-25's route through New Mexico seems kind of strange. South
of Las Vegas, the highway turns west, and then northwest towards Santa
Fe, before finally curving back to the south. Primarily this is for geographic
reasons: mountains and mesas in that area stand in the way of a more direct
route to Santa Fe. But it's also somewhat political: if there was no important
city located where Santa Fe is, then my guess is that I-25 would've been built
along a more direct route between Las Vegas and Albuquerque.
Anyway, given those factors, I-25 does follow the shortest route possible:
it skirts the south edge of Santa Fe, missing the downtown area by about three
miles. But I-25's precursor (US 85) went even further north - all the way to
the Plaza - before turning back south again. Coming down from Glorieta Pass,
I-25 veers away from the historic corridor of US 85 at about exit 284. From
there, southbound US 85 continued north on College Street (now called
Old Pecos Trail), and then Old Santa Fe Trail - I'm talking nearly due
north - all the way into downtown. At the Plaza, traffic turned west on San
Francisco Street for two blocks, then back south again on Galisteo Street, and
out of town via Cerrillos Road. An amazingly circuitous route. (But don't get
me wrong: downtown Santa Fe is certainly worth a visit!)
Now that we've established the original routing of US 85, I should quickly
mention that this was also the route of US 66. Until it was rerouted in 1937,
US 66 and US 85 were concurrent from near Las Vegas to beyond Albuquerque. So
in the descriptions below, where I say "US 85", keep in mind it was
also US 66.
Now we can finally get to the main topic of this page: other US highways that
terminated at their junction with US 85. When the US route system began in 1926,
US 64 made it only as far west as Capulin NM (east of Raton). The road from
Raton through Taos and Espanola to Santa Fe was designated US 485 (it connected
with US 85 on both ends). This highway came into Santa Fe via Taos Highway and
Grant Avenue. Beyond there, it gets a little tricky: even maps from the 1930's
show US 485 using multiple roads to reach US 85 at the Plaza...
McNally, c. 1934
...my belief is that's because one-way roads had already been established in
Santa Fe back then. In general I don't think one-ways were very common in the
1930's, but Santa Fe may have been an exception: it's a very old city, and many
of the central streets are quite narrow. To this day, it's much easier to walk
around downtown than to drive.
So my best guess is that southbound US 485 continued down Grant to Palace
Avenue; then east two blocks; then south on Lincoln Avenue, skirting the west
side of the Plaza, and ending at San Francisco (US 85). But I think northbound
US 485 ran along the east side of the Plaza. The photos below will help
to explain - this first one is looking north on Old Santa Fe Trail (which, as
I said, was southbound US 85):
June 2006
The small trees visible at far left are in the east side of the Plaza. (Between
those and the large tree in the background, you can see part of the Palace of
the Governors: now a historical museum, but previously the original Capitol,
back when Santa Fe was still a part of Mexico.) If you followed Old Santa Fe
Trail's slight jog to the left and continued straight ahead, you would've been
on the south beginning of US 485. (That appears to have followed Washington
Avenue north to Temple Place [now part of Paseo de Peralta]; then west to Grant;
then north out of town.) Southbound US 85 continued by turning left here on
San Francisco. If you do that today, you'll see what's pictured in the photo
me, June 2006
There the view is west on San Francisco, or still southbound on US 85. Just
to the right of the camera is the south side of the Plaza. Southbound US 485
would've come in from the right, on Lincoln. If you turn around from that spot,
you'll have a view similar to what's shown below:
me, June 2006
That's looking east on San Francisco, or historic northbound US 85 (in the
distance is the St. Francis Cathedral). Southbound US 485 came in from Lincoln
(off to the left of the camera). At the traffic light ahead, northbound US 85
went right on Old Santa Fe Trail, while northbound US 485 departed to the left.
In about 1932, the US 64 designation was extended west from Capulin to Raton,
and then southwest to Santa Fe, replacing what had been US 485. So for a time,
US 64's west end and beginning were the same locations described above. Also,
in the early-1940s, US 84's west end was in Santa Fe; it likely shared the Plaza
terminus with US 64. But in the mid- to late-1950s, Santa Fe built a new preferred
entrance from the north. Instead of the Old Taos Highway, traffic was directed
to use Jefferson Street (now called Guadalupe Street). At Water Street, US 64
turned east (you can't do that anymore: Water was vacated between Guadalupe
and Sandoval Street, where the Hilton stands now). US 64 ended one block past
Sandoval, at Galisteo (US 85). Below we're looking east on Water:
me, June 2006
The car is stopped at the historic end of US 64 - southbound US 85 was to the
right on Galisteo, and northbound went left for one block before turning east
on San Francisco. The view below is north on Galisteo:
me, June 2006
That was northbound US 85, and the west beginning of US 64 was to the left
on Water. This last photo is looking west on Water:
me, June 2006
The crossroad ahead is Galisteo, and on the far side of that was the beginning
of US 64 (it used to go straight through where the building now stands in the
Page created 16 June 2006; last updated 27 November 2006.