End of historic US highway 260
Approx. time
East Terminus
West Terminus
Springerville, AZ
Holbrook, AZ
Deming, NM
Holbrook, AZ
(about 149 k)
Note: since I don't have access to a comprehensive collection of historical
road atlases, much of the info on this page is based on the research of Robert
Droz; click here to view
his site. Photo credits: Alan
Hamilton; Russell
Lee; my
In the original 1926 route plan, it was US 70 that began at US 66 in Holbrook
AZ and headed east. But in 1932, US 70 was drastically rerouted, far to the
south of Holbrook. So US 260 was commissioned to replace the former US 70 starting
at Holbrook - you can view photos from there on this
Originally the east end of US 260 was in Springerville AZ, at the junction
with its implied "parent" route, US 60. During this timeframe, however,
US 60's current route between Springerville and Globe was under construction
and not yet open to traffic. So from Globe, US 60 traffic was directed along
what must've been an incredibly hellish road back in the 1930s: west to San
Carlos; north and west to Ft. Apache; north along today's AZ hwy. 73 to McNary;
and west along today's AZ 260 to Eagar. In Eagar, US 60 would've been directed
north on Mountain Avenue, until reaching the junction with Main Street Springerville:
my parents, Mar. 2007
Here, eastbound US 60 traffic would've been directed to the right on Main...
but to the left was the east beginning of US 260. Below is a close-up of the
signage on the far side of the road:
my parents, Mar. 2007
US 260 went through St. Johns on its way to US 66 at Holbrook. The photo below
shows the perspective at the historic east end of US 260:
my parents,
Mar. 2007
That's looking east on Main. Straight ahead was eastbound US 60, while westbound
was to the right on Mountain. A close-up of the sign assembly is shown below:
parents, Mar. 2007
Today Main carries US 60/180/191, but they neglected to sign US 191 on this
post. After modern US 60 was complete between here and Globe, old US 60 (to
the right on Mountain) was signed as AZ 260. But today mainline AZ 260 is signed
along Central Avenue in Eagar - the junction with which is about 1.5 miles to
the right.
It wasn't long before US 260 was extended southward out of Springerville. I'm
pretty sure the photo below was taken looking that direction:
Lee, 1940
(detail; Library of Congress photo)
That was shot just four years after the east end of US 260 had been extended
down to US 70/80 at Deming NM (although this segment may have been signed north/south).
In the photo below, we're in Deming, looking east on US 70 (or Pine Street,
which also used to be US 80, and is now Business I-10):
Hamilton, Aug. 2000
To the left on Gold used to be the east (south?) beginning of US 260. Signage
heading that direction has changed a bit since that photo was taken...
parents, Apr. 2006
...for one thing, it's now marked Gold Street (instead of Avenue). Whereas
before there was just a cryptic NM 11 marker, it's nice to know that route begins
to the right. But the NM 26 marker that used to be mounted on this post is missed:
even though Gold to the left is not technically designated NM 26, the route
does begin just a few blocks that direction (I-10's interchange 82 is that way,
too). Anyway, the photo below is looking the opposite direction (west on Pine):
my parents,
Apr. 2006
Now you know what's on the frontside of that big panel shown behind the I-10/BL
10 assembly in the 2000 photo above. This is westbound US 70, and as I said,
Pine also used to be US 80, and US 260 began to the right. But then in the early
1960's, the US 180 designation was extended west from its former terminus in
El Paso. It was (and still is) co-signed with other routes along the entire
distance between El Paso and Deming. So now this is also westbound US 180. As
you can see, that designation turns north here - it goes all the way up to Holbrook,
and then beyond (to the Grand Canyon), so that's how the US 260 designation
became unnecessary and was eliminated.
I'm not sure what the rationale was for that change, though: the El Paso-to-Deming
corridor already had a route number, so what was the purpose in having US 180
make a sharp change in direction at El Paso just to get to this point? Wouldn't
it have made more sense to simply extend the US 260 designation west from Holbrook
to the Grand Canyon? Maybe AASHTO wanted to conserve route numbers - but US
260 has never been recycled. Or maybe Arizona wanted the number "260" for one
of its state routes - but they could've come up with an equally valid number.
Undoubtedly my opinion would've been sought, except that I hadn't born yet...
Page created 13 December 2004; last updated 29 January 2009.