Current and historic US Highway ends
in Port Arthur, TX


Approx. time period

US 59


US 69


US 96


US 287


US 59 was commissioned in 1934 to run from the Canada border to Port Arthur. The US 69 designation arrived the next year, south from Kansas City. Then in 1939, US 59 was rerouted to go south and west from Tenaha (as it does today), and US 96 was commissioned to replace its old segment between Tenaha and Port Arthur. That same year, the US 287 designation was extended into Texas. It meets US 69 at Woodville, and is co-signed with it to Port Arthur. So, although US 59 was the first of the federal routes to serve Port Arthur, it's also the only US route that was ever removed from there. The photos below are courtesy of Stephen Taylor, 2000. This first one shows the last southbound signage on the route:

That's heading southeast on Woodworth Boulevard. There was no "End" sign, but the shot below shows where these routes end at TX hwy. 87 (Gulfway Drive, or 16th Street).

Below is a closeup of the signage.

As I've said, that was also the south end of US 59 between 1934-1939. The photo below shows the beginning of the routes as viewed from northeastbound Gulfway.

Page created 25 September 2003; last updated 25 September 2003.
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