Apologies; Michele, Micheal, Laura, Yardley. Present; Lorraine, Gary, Marie, Paul, Richard, Phil, Debbie. INTRODUCTION; New member Lorraine welcomed to the group. Previous minutes. Need more detail, paul recieved minutes from wrong meeting, sharon to be contacted to arrange admin cover for group. Gary will take minutes at next meeting. GUEST SPEAKERS. Abi gave a talk on the alternative therapy group today. Laura has sent her apologies, but may attend today to talk about core managers group, SUBSTANCE MISUSERS GROUP. Group supplied with information on a conference at GMB National college. Conference agenda looked at and disscused. any interested group members to fill in booking forms and return to Richard. GROUP NAME. Group has decided on MASE . MANCHESTER ADDICTION SERVICES EMPOWERED. Marie came up with this name, and the group liked it..... |
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Manchester Addiction Services Empowered. |
Manchester Addiction Services Empowered. |