AP American History =^^= Unit #3: The Colonial Period and the Revolutionary War Due Wed 11/5: Skim through Chapters 1 and 2 in your textbook and create a chart that outlines the differences between Spanish, French and English colonies in the New World. (This is your written homework). Make columns with the following headings: the geographical location of areas colonized, the reasons for colonization, economic activities in the colonies, religion/religious life, structure and functions of colonial government, and colonial relations with Native Americans. Due Thurs 11/6: Read Birth of America on the Founding of Jamestown; written homework due: (1) summarize the main points in this article; (2) what difficulties did Englishmen have in founding Jamestown?; (3) identify/explain the importance of a) John Smith, b) Powhatan, c) Pocahontas, d) the starving time, e) Sir Thomas Dale, f) John Rolfe; (4) Why was 1619 an important year in the history of the Jamestown settlement? Due Friday 11/7: Read Essay– “The Virginia Colony and the Democratic Myth” Make sure you understand the main points in this essay; it is a complex one. Written hmk due: Answer the following questions: (1) In what ways is the Virginia colony that exists after 1680 not the same as the early Virginia colony? (2) What was the importance of the defeat of Charles I in 1649, in terms of how the colony evolved? (3) How did the Restoration in 1660 impact the development of Virginia? (4) What are the questions that the author raises about the nature of democracy? (5) Identify/explain the importance of: a) Governor Berkeley b) Nathanial Bacon. Highlight and Take Notes!!! Due Mon 11/10: Read Massacre at Mystic. Highlight and take notes! Written homework due: (1) Why did Puritans migrate to the New World? (2) How will the reasons for their migration impact the development of this region and their culture? (3) What was the Puritan view of Native Americans? (4) Who was John Winthrop and why is he important? (5) Why did the Puritans declare war on the Pequot in 1637? (6) What is the significance of the “Massacre at Mystic” of May 1637? (7) What were “King Phillip’s” (Metacom’s) complaints against the English Puritans in 1675? (8) What were the results of King Phillip’s War? Tuesday 11/11: No School—Veteran’s Day—Please work on your review sheet for this unit! Due Weds 11/12: Read Founding Mothers. Highlight and take notes! Written homework due: Answer the following questions: (1) Why were women integral to colonial settlements? (2) What colonies needed to attract women; how did they do it? (3) What were the tasks that colonial women performed? (4) What attitudes were held regarding dating, engagement and marriage? (5) What was “bundling?” (6) Compare the status of single and married women. (7) What was the femme covert? (8) What rights did colonial American women have that women did not have under British common law? Due Thurs 11/13: Read Handout Life in America by 1750 and answer the questions that I typed up on the top page of the reading (front page, just under the map). Due Friday 11/14: In class—we will be discussing how to write a DBQ. Homework due: Read 3 handouts: The Spanish Colonies in America, The French Colonies in America, The Influence of European Colonization on Native Americans. Answer all of the questions that I typed and attached to the readings (the Spanish questions are on the back page of the reading; the other 2 readings have the questions on the front page). Due Monday 11/17: Written Homework: What were the political, social and economic differences between English Colonies in New England and English colonies in Virginia (Chesapeake area)? Why did these differences exist? In class: Outlining and Document Analysis Tuesday 11/18: In class DBQ essay EXAM Due Wed 11/19: Read chapter 6 in your textbook—The Duel for North America (p. 106-121). Take notes and prepare for a possible quiz. Written homework due: Answer: (1) How did this war differ from other wars fought by these powers? (2) What was the Albany Congress/Albany Plan of Union? (3) What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris? (4) What were the psychological results of the war for the American colonists? Due Thursday 11/20: Read Chapter 7 in text, p. 123-140. Written homework due: (1) Make an outline of the events leading to the Revolution from 1763 (end of French and Indian War) to 1775 (Lexington and Concord). (2) What were the advantages and disadvantages of England and the American colonies? Due Friday 11/21: NO HMK Due Mon 11/24: Read Problems 2 and 3 in the handout on the Revolutionary War (the handout that starts with problem 1—you do not need to read problem 1): Read The Economic Interpretation by Louis Hacker and The Imperialist School by Lawrence Gipson. Written homework due: (1) summarize the explanations put forth by these 2 historians regarding the cause of the American Revolution. (2) Which explanation do you find more convincing and why? (3) Do you think that these perspectives conflict? Why/why not? Due Tue 11/25:: Read essay Sam Adams, Firebrand of the American Revolution; highlight and take notes! Written homework due: (1) Trace the developments that lead to the revolution as they are presented by this historian. (2) How, specifically, did the actions of Sam Adams contribute to the American Revolution? (3) How does this historian’s perspective on the causes of the American Revolution fit in with Hacker and Gipson’s arguments? Due Wed 11/26: Use your textbook and your class notes to develop a list of political, social and economic causes of the American Revolution. Write a thesis statement for an AP essay---Why did Americans Revolt against Great Britain? Thursday 11/27 and Friday 11/28—Thanksgiving Break Please study! Monday 12/1: The Revolutionary War. Homework due: Read chapter 8 in your textbook. Written homework due: Identify/explain the significance of: (1) The Continental Congress (2) The Olive Branch Petition (3) Loyalists/Tories—who was most likely to belong to this group? What happened to many of them during the war? (4) Patriots/Whigs (5) What were the results of the Battle of Saratoga? (6) What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris? Tuesday 12/2: Essay Exam; Unit 3 Wednesday 12/3: Multiple Choice Exam; Unit 3 |