AP AMERICAN HISTORY REVIEW SHEET: Age of Jackson /Age of Reform 1. Define Nationalism as it existed from 1814-1824/Know the manifestations of Nationalism in the Era of Good Feelings • Canal and road building • Development of a Dictionary • The Tariff of 1816 – what kind of a Tariff was it? • The 2nd Bank of the United States – its structure and functions • The court cases of John Marshall – Chief Justice for 35 years • The Monroe Doctrine – What was it?, What did it say? Could we have enforced it? Was it consistent with our foreign policy? • The absence of political parties – Only one party existed, which one? • The acquisition of land. Florida, from whom, circumstances surrounding the acquisition, Line of 1818 2. The beginnings of Sectionalism • The Missouri Compromise – a discordant note during the Era of Good Feeling – terms of the compromise • The Favorite Son Election of 1824 - Candidates and sections and results of the election • The “corrupt bargain” 3. Identify, Jackson’s support politically, the spoils system, the kitchen cabinet, 4. the Tariff of Abominations , The South Carolina Exposition and Protest 5. The Tariff of 1832 and the Nullification Crisis 6. The Webster- Hayne Debate (positions) 7. The Force Bill 8. The Compromise Tariff of 1833 9. The Election of 1832 – issues, nominating conventions 10. Jackson’s War On The Bank – reasons, method of destruction...arguments made in the veto message 11. The Distribution Act 1836 12. The Specie Circular 1836 13. Jackson’s Indian Policy –Worcester V Georgia 14. Examples of “Civilization” of the Cherokee Nation 15. In what ways was Jackson’s Indian policy both a departure and a continuation of previous Indian policy? 16. Panic of 1837 Causes 17. The Maysville Road Veto—why? 18. The Jacksonian “revolution” in politics 19. Sectionalism vs. Nationalism 20. Know the examples of electoral reform in the Age of Jackson—democratization of politics 21. Political Machines 22. Know the importance of Henry Clay 23. Evaluation of Jackson’s Presidency—positive and negative 24. Jackson Historiography—a democratic hero who protected the people from the conservative, aristocratic east…an era of conflict between commercial interests and agrarian values 25. Economic Changes in America 1820s-1850s 26. Transportation developments 27. Industrial developments, Eli Whitney 28. Growth of Cities/Problems of Cities 29. Textile Industry/Lowell System 30. Labor developments, Commonwealth v. Hunt 31. Sectional Issues…the tariff, federally funded internal improvements, immigration, the national bank, slavery, westward expansion—know the positions of the northeast, the south and the west on these issues 32. Immigration developments • Irish • German • Nativism • Know Nothings • Anti-Catholicism • Reasons immigrants came and problems they faced 33. Reform Movements 1830s-1850s • Public and Higher Education—Horace Mann, Noah Webster, McGuffey Readers • Lyceum Movement • Rehabilitation Movements…prison reform, treatment of insane, Dorothea Dix • Women’s Rights…Seneca Falls (what were women’s complaints) • Abolitionism • Second Great Awakening (good works, not predestination) • Temperance movement • Utopian Societies—Brook Farm, Oneida 34. Northern Position on slavery 35. Southern Perception of Northern views 36. Southern defenses of Slavery 37. Southern social structure 38. Examples of slave resistance 39. impact of cotton gin 40. Romanticism in the Age of Jackson • Hudson River Valley School • Popular Writers (Edgar Allen Poe, James Fennimore Cooper, Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville)—How are they examples of Romantic writers? • Naturalism 41. Transcendentalism—Who were the Transcendentalists, what did they write about, what did they believe in? |