Review—AP American History Exam
Manifest Destiny, Slavery, Civil War

1) Manifest Destiny (what, why, effects)
2) Thoreau’s essay on civil disobedience (what, why)
3) American Colonization Society (founders, goals)
4) The Missouri Compromise (provisions)
5) The Mexican War (why, effects)
6) The Wilmot Proviso (what, why, outcome)
7) The Liberty Party
8) The Whig Party
9) The Republican Party
10) The Democratic Party
11) The Compromise of 1850 (provisions)
12) The Fugitive Slave Act (impact)
13) The Kansas-Nebraska Act (know the provisions and the effects)
14) The Lecompton Constitution (what, result)
15) The Gag Rule (what, why, repeal of)
16) The Ostend Manifesto
17) The Dred Scott Case
18) John Sproat on the Causes of the Civil War
19) Stephen Oates on the Southern Defense of Slavery
20) N/S Rivaly
21) N/S in common
22) Long term sectional issues
23) Evolution of Southern view of slavery from Necessary Evil to Positive Good
24) Know the abolitionists (all that we spoke of) and their various methods: Literature (poetry, fiction, narratives, newspapers), civil disobedience, violence and appeals to violence
25) Hinton Helper
26) The Election of 1860
27) The Crittenden Compromise
28) Stephen Oates on Lincoln’s Journey to Emancipation
29) Know the thesis/point of the essay
30) Know how Lincoln’s public views on slavery evolved
31) Know the positions of the “Radical” Republicans, the Northern Democrats, the abolitionists, and how all of these effected Lincoln’s decision making process
32) The effects of the Emancipation Proclamation
33) The Civil War:  Know the advantages of each side, the expectations of each side, the raising of money, the raising of troops
34) Know the laws passed by the Union during the War (non war related)
35) Know the examples Lincoln’s use/abuse of executive powers
36) Copperheads
37) Impact of: Antietam, Gettysburg, Vicksburg