AP American History   
Review Sheet Unit 1

I. Foreign Policy Review

Truman Administration

1. Containment/Truman Doctrine
2. Stalin
3. George Kennan memo
4. Novikov memo
5. Arthur Vandenberg
6. Dean Acheson
7. Robert Taft
8. Molotov/encirclement
9. China/Chiang Kai Shek/Mao ZseDong/General Stilwell/The White Paper/China Hands/Henry Luce
10. Marshall Plan/European Recovery Plan
11. Berlin Blockade/airlift
12. Point Four Program
13. Korea/MacArthur/limited war/Inchon/Puson/UN Security Council
14. NATO/collective security
15. Thomas Dewey/Henry Wallace/Strom Thurmond
16. Alger Hiss

Eisenhower Administration

1. John Foster Dulles
2. Brinkmanship
3. Eisenhower Doctrine
4. Suez Crisis
5. Lebanon
6. Iran
7. Hungarian Revolt
8. Guatemala
9. Sputnik
10. Vietnam policy/Ho Chi Min/Diem/Dien Bien Phu/Geneva Conference
11. U-2 incident/1960 summit
12. Military-industrial complex
14. Cuba/Platt Amendment/Castro/Batista/Che Guevara
15. OPEC 

Kennedy Administration

1. Missile Gap
2. Bay of Pigs
3. Cuban Missile Crisis
4. Berlin Wall
5. Alliance for Progress

Johnson Administration

1. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
2. Robert McNamara
3. Dean Rusk
4. Clark Clifford
5. General Westmoreland
6. Credibility Gap
7. Tet Offensive
8. Hawks v. Doves
9. War Protests/Operation Chaos

Nixon Administration

1. 1968 Election
2. Vietnamization
3. Nixon Doctrine
4. Cambodia/Laos
5. Détente/China visit/USSR visit/Brezhnev
7. Shuttle Diplomacy
8. Henry Kissenger
9. War Powers Act
10. Chile
11. Pentagon Papers/NY Times v. United States

Ford Administration
1. Helsinki Accords
2. Mayaguez Incident

Carter Administration
1. Hostage Crisis
2. Human Rights
3. Camp David Accords
4. Panama Canal Treaty

Reagan Administration
1. The Reagan Doctrine
2. Iran-Contra/Boland Amendment
3. SDI
4. Gorbachev

II. Cold War Historiography
1. Orthodox
2. Revisionist
3. Post-Revisionist Synthesis

III. Domestic Post WW II Review

1. What were some reasons for post WWII optimism:
2. What were some reasons for post WWII pessimism:
3. What were the changes in American society post WWII:
4. Know the legislation from the handout!

Harry S. Truman (1945-1953)

1. Russia’s  A-bomb(1949)
2. Rosenbergs
3. US has H-Bomb; then USSR (1950)
4. GI Bill of Rights (1944 – under FDR, but effects felt after war)
5. Atomic Energy Act (1946)
6. Reconversion to peacetime economy
7. Removal of price controls
8. Employment Act (1946)
9. RR and coal strikes
10. President’s Committee on Civil Rights (1946)
11. Taft Hartley Act (1947)
12. Jackie Robinson (1947)
13. Election of 1948—candidates, parties
14. Truman’s strategy: “Do Nothing” Congress
15. Truman Desegregates armed forces (1948)
16. Truman Loyalty Program 1947-1951 (Exec order 9835)
17. Dennis v. United States (1951)
18. HUAC
19. Hollywood Ten
20. Alger Hiss Case (1948)
21. Fair Deal:
• Programs proposed?
• Programs passed?
22. McCarren Internal Security Act (1950)
23. McCarthyism
24. History of “Red Baiting”—post WWI era, Smith Act 1940
25. 22nd Amendment  (1951)

Dwight D. Eisenhower  (1953-1961)
1. Sputnik (1957)
2. U-2 incident (1960)
3. Charles VanDoren
4. McClellan Committee hearings
5. “moral relativism”
6. Rosenbergs executed (1953)
7. Termination policy  (1953)
8. Army-McCarthy hearings (1954)
9. Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
10. Montgomery bus boycott (1955)
11. AFL and CIO merge (1955)
12. Interstate Highway Act (1956)
13. Civil Rights Act (1957)
14. Little Rock desegregation (1957)
15. National Defense Education Act (1958)
16. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (1958)
17. Labor Reform Act (1959)
18. Alaska and Hawaii admitted (1959)
19. Farewell Address (1961)
20. Jackson Pollack
21. Betty Friedan The Feminine Mystique
• Women in the 1950s—Theories of femininity, gender roles
22. Arthur Miller Death of Salesman
23. Sloan Wilson The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit
24. Dr. Benjamin Spock  Baby and Child Care
25. J.D. Salinger The Catcher in the Rye
26. Trends of Postwar Era:
• Affluent Society
• Rise of Suburbia/Levittowns
• Baby Boom
27. Cultural Non-Conformity:
• Abstract Expressionism (Jackson Pollack)
• Method Acting (James Dean, Marlon Brando)
• The Beats—1952 Time Magazine “The Beat Generation”
• Views of suburbia/materialism/consumer society/middle class lifestyle
• Howl by Ginsberg published (1956)
• On The Road by Kerouac published (1957)

IV.  Miscellaneous Review Questions:

• What was the impact of the Korean War on America?
• What were the causes/effects of “McCarthyism”/What tactics were used by McCarthy?
• What were the domestic challenges facing the United States after World War II and what was done to meet those challenges?
• What were the issues of the 1948 election and how did Truman win?
• What was the Fair Deal?
• In what ways did the Eisenhower administration expand the federal government?
• What were some of the landmark moments in Civil Rights during the 1950s?
• What were the elements of the consumer culture that arose in the 1950s?
• What was the importance of religion, the family, and the role of women in this period?
• What generalities can be made about American culture in the 1950s—the influence of TV, advertising, movies, music, fads, and writers during this period?