1. What is the relation between Manifest Destiny and Oregon, Texas and California?

2.  In what ways were the North, South and the West economically different?

3. What were the positives and negatives of Northern urban life?

4.  What were the positives and negatives of Southern rural life?

5. What elements of society did social reformers attempt to alter?

6. During the abolitionist movement, who were the major participants and what were the strategies used?

7. What major events occurred during the Polk presidency?

8. What was the platform of the Know-Nothing Party?

9. What were the most important causes of the Civil War?

10. How does the Civil War affect Northern and Southern economies and personal freedoms?

11. What were the major events in the emancipation of slaves?

12. What were the different proposed methods or Reconstruction?

13. In what ways was Reconstruction a long term failure?