AP American History 2008/2009
Mrs. Catalano This is a rewarding but demanding college-level survey course in American History that culminates with an AP exam in May. This full year class covers two semesters worth of college material. As part of our work together this year, we will read challenging, thought provoking essays written by renowned historians and historical figures, and we will discuss them in class. Keeping up with the daily reading assignments, being prepared for class discussions, and taking notes during class are key to your success in AP American History—your level of success will directly reflect the amount of effort that you put into the class. Course Requirements/Important things to know: 1. You will need a fairly large binder in which to place the many readings/handouts that you will be receiving from me during the course of the school year. When you begin studying for the AP exam, you will appreciate having all of the materials nicely organized. For classroom notes, you are free to use the type of notebook that you prefer, however, I suggest loose-leaf, because that will enable you to keep the class notes in the same notebook as the readings. 2. You MUST do the reading for this class. If you do not, I will know it—not only by your poor performance on exams, but because you will not be able to adequately participate in class discussions. You will fail if you do not keep up with the reading. 3. Written homework MUST be handed in on the day it is due; the assignment will form the foundation of our class discussion that day. If you are legally absent from school on the day that material is due, you will be expected to submit it on the day that you return; you also have the option of emailing me your assignments. If you miss my class for some reason, but are in school, you must give me the assignment at some point during the day or via email! In cases of more serious illness, we can work out alternative arrangements; however, it is your responsibility to let me know what is going on. Each quarter, you will have a homework average which will count as a test grade. Each written homework will receive a grade from 1-5; this grade will be based on the quality of your work. You will lose 2.5 points (half credit) from this homework grade if it is handed in one day late; written homework will not be accepted after the 2nd day. 4. Each unit of study will culminate with a two day examination—one day for a short answer exam and one day for an essay examination. If you are absent on either exam day, it is your responsibility to come to me and schedule a make up, which must be completed within 3 days of the original exam date. Your make up test will not be the same exam that your classmates took. If you fail to make up an exam within this time period, you will receive a zero. If you cut class on an exam day you will receive a zero. If you do not show up for a scheduled make up examination, you will receive a zero. 5. Strong writing skills are very important for this class. I will provide feedback to you on your writing strengths and weaknesses. You will have the opportunity to read my suggestions and resubmit any essays that are weak. 6. The schedule of readings, class discussions, homework assignments, and examination dates is always available online at www.oocities.org/ushistorycat. There are never any surprises when it comes to what is expected of you. It is always your responsibility to keep up with what we are doing, regardless of your other responsibilities. 7. I will not abide cheating in any form. This includes your daily homework assignments, your essays, and in-class exams. If you are caught cheating, there will be severe consequences for both the person who gives answers and the person who receives them. If for any reason you genuinely need assistance, please speak to me. There will be times when I assign take-home tests; I will specifically tell you when you are permitted to work together and when you are not. You will be on your honor. I am certain that you consider academic honesty as important as I do. Many of you will be applying for membership in the National Honor Society this year; please keep its requirements in mind: service, leadership and character. 8. I am always available by email tcatalano@shufsd.org. Please contact me if any issues arise after school or over the weekends/holidays. |