Kampvilja's First Keep Claim
[01/11/03, Saturday] Smilla announced that Kampvilja would claim Nottmoor. Guild members online (Smilla, Kelryck, Sveinbjorn, Uska, Svild, and Skala) gathered and two alliance members (Dageth Norrsken and Atrius Vildhjarta) agreed to become temporary guild members for the purpose.

Later that day (during the auction in Svasud), Nottmoor came under attack. Our guards defended well. Thanks to Sveinbjorn and our friend, Meuze, we upgraded our doors quickly. We held the keep, fighting off other attacks, until mid-day on the 13th.

Smilla's comments about claiming a keep, "I am SO proud!"; And, "The Jarls look nice in the guild cloaks!"

[NOTE: Click on any image for an enlargement. ]
[Left to right] Skala, Svild, Smilla, Uska, Kelryck, Dageth, Sveinbjorn, and Atrius
Kampvilja has taken control of Nottmoor Faste!
I'm SO proud!--Smilla
The Jarls look so nice in the guild cloaks!--Smilla
Sveinbjorn and Meuze repair the doors after the "auction" attack.

Sveinbjorn's slave ( Kelryck who Sveinbjorn "gave" to Uska) and Sanger's purchases (Uska and Meuze) raced to Nottmoor with Sveinbjorn and Sanger  just as the guards finished off the last of the attackers.  Meuze's faithful pet, Roog, stands by to help.
Nottmoor's guard stands faithful watch throughout the night.
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