CAST: Peter Parker/Spider-Man - Frank McKeever Gwen Stacy - Carly Lindberg Mary Jane Watson - Brittany Biancalana Harry Osbourn - Derek Mosco Aunt May - Debbie Esposito J Jonah Jameson - John McKeever TV Reporter - Ryan Turner Criminal - Curits Davis Crime Victim - Victoria McCoy Crime Witness - David Bharratt Police Officers - Sergeant Castro - Officer Bryan Wagner - Officer Ramon Rodriguez FILMMAKERS: Producer: Frank McKeever Director: Paul Van Doren Assistant Director: Eddie Thompson Technical Director: Curtis Davis Tech Assistance: Steven Shepard Editor: Michael Dicky Sound Coordinator: Joseph Van Doren Stunt Coordinator: Curtis Davis Key Grips: David Bharratt & Steven Shepard Production Designer: Nick Donkers Costume Designer: Jack Herman Security Advisor: Aldo Prelez |
| News | | Movie Plot | | Production | | Cast & Crew | | Behind the Scenes | |
Special thanks goes out to Curtis Davis for his extensive help throughout the film. We couldn't do this without you, Curt! Also, many thanks to the Clermont Police Department and City Hall. |