  This website is designed for medical students preparing for the
United States Medical Licensing Examinations (USMLE) Step1 and

   I don't claim to have all the answers. However, if you are looking for
advice from someone who scored in the 99% in both steps (click here for my
Step 1 and Step 2 score reports), you might find this site helpful.

   The residency selection process takes many factors into account.
Medical school rotation evaluations, clinical and research
experience, interview performance, letters of support are a few of
them. However your USMLE scores remain the most important and
most objective criteria in play!

   This is especially true if you are planning to apply for very
competitive specialties such as Orthopedic Surgery, Dermatology,
Ophthalmology, ENT or Radiology. You will need high scores even
in less competitive specialties if you are targeting
residency programs.

   USMLE Step1 (Basic Sciences) and Step2 (Clinical Sciences) are
difficult especially because you need to master at one point in time a
large volume of information. I have been through this
process myself and I decided to share my experience here. I hope
you will find it helpful :). Good luck!

**Please note that the information presented on this website may not be up to date anymore, as I took the USMLEs years ago (1998-2001). If you are a more recent test taker, you are welcome to submit your advice and I will post it here, Please check back for updates.
Striving for excellence motivates you, striving for perfection is demoralizing

Harriet Braiker