\n"); if ((showReport==1)&&(dhtmlEnabled==1)) { doc.writeln("
Quiz Result | \n"); doc.writeln("\n"); doc.writeln("PRINT | \n"); if (man_repeat) doc.writeln("REPEAT | \n"); if (topChartFile!='') doc.writeln("Top Chart | \n"); doc.writeln("QUIT\n"); doc.writeln(" |
\n"); } if ((k==half_index)&&((ncols_report==2)||(ncols_report==4))) { documento.writeln(" | "); } if (ncols_report==3) { if ((k==index13)||(k==index23)) { documento.writeln(" | "); } } if (ncols_report==4) { if ((k==index14)||(k==index34)) { documento.writeln(" | ");
i = ordineDomande[k];
if (valid[i]==4)
documento.writeln(""+n+" "+qstHead[i]+" "); n++; documento.writeln(""); if (valid[i]==1) documento.writeln("Correct answer "); else if (valid[i]==-1) documento.writeln("Wrong answer "); else if (valid[i]==2) documento.writeln("Question not valuated "); else if (valid[i]==3) { if (typeOfQuest[i]==2) documento.writeln("Right sentences "+nScore[i]+" on "+maxScore[i]+" "); else if (typeOfQuest[i]==4) documento.writeln("Guess words "+nScore[i]+" on "+maxScore[i]+" "); else if (typeOfQuest[i]==5) documento.writeln("Matching "+nScore[i]+" on "+maxScore[i]+" "); } else if (valid[i]==5) { documento.write("scores "+nScore[i]); if (groups[i]==0) documento.writeln(" (MARK "+maxScore[i]+") "); else if (groups[i]==1) documento.writeln(" Scores added with the previous question "); else if (groups[i]==2) documento.writeln(" MARK (computes from the sum of scores of next questions): "+maxScore[i]+" "); } documento.writeln(""); if (valid[i]==2) { documento.write(" "+allAnsReport[i][0].choice+" "); continue; } documento.writeln(""); documento.writeln("
"); } documento.writeln(" |
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